Conversation #27 with my Children Children and I were playing a - TopicsExpress


Conversation #27 with my Children Children and I were playing a game together that day and I did something very silly. Keertana was laughing and laughing and suddenly she slapped me and said You stupid dumbo!! I was completely stunned for a moment. (children sometimes do that with each other) When I looked at her, she was still smiling but very keenly watching my expressions. I made a funny face and made her laugh again and then went back to playing the game. It was my approval to her that she can be spontaneous with me (she does not need to think before saying something to me). During dinner time: Siva: Krishna, you go and cut the apples and make a fruit salad. Krishna (surprised): I cannot do that! Siva: Why? Krishna: I am too small Siva: How old are you? Krishna: 5 years Siva: No, you are infinity+5 years old. Children (surprised): How is that? Siva: I was there in the hospital when you were born. As soon as you were born, you were doing so many things like crying, smiling, drinking, digesting, excreting etc. Do you think your mom taught them when you were in her stomach? Children: No Siva: That means you learnt these things even before you were born, right? Children were surprised. Siva: Thats why I said you are infinity+5 years old. Keertana: Then I am infinity+6 years old? Siva: Yes. Keertana: So you are infinity+36 years old? Siva: Right. Is there a big difference in our ages? Keertana: Yes Siva: Do you know an ocean is huge and infinite? Children: Yes Siva: Suppose you go to an ocean and add 5 spoons of water to it. Does it make a difference to the ocean? Children: No Siva: Say you add 36 spoons of water. Does it make a difference? Children: No Siva: Right. Similarly, do you think there is big difference in our ages, infinity+5 or infinity+36? Children: No Siva: Right. So, Krishna, you can do anything if you learn (how to do it). What age does not matter much, OK? Children were silent.... After going to bed that night: Siva: My dear, I was just wondering, today you slapped me and called me a stupid dumbo when we were playing. Do you call all the elders like that? Children (emphatically): No, we dont call everyone like that. We call only silly people like you! Siva (surprised, clapping): Very good!!! You can call me whatever you want. But dont slap me hard, it will be painful to me, ok? Children were laughing... Respect for the Age” and “morality” are utilitarian concepts in mind, while heart knows only Love not age (ask my cheek). Mind is mechanical, while Heart is spontaneous. A child is spontaneous because he functions from his heart. Spontaneity drives human evolution, while morality ensures one is socially acceptable. Moral education is to be given without breaking the spontaneity in the child (mind should be educated to be consistent with heart). Then the child will evolve naturally to become a wonderful human being as well as a wonderful social being. Then he will respect others out of Love (not mechanically, not with a motive or fear). His respect will be utmost for the parents/teachers who gave such an education. That is the most beautiful sight to watch on this earth. With infinite respects to my teacher. ============= Previous conversations can be found at bedtimeconversations.wordpress/
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 10:48:21 +0000

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