Conversation between Mr. Yuan Lin and Dr. Yang (8) 11-01-2013, - TopicsExpress


Conversation between Mr. Yuan Lin and Dr. Yang (8) 11-01-2013, Shueilin How are you? Teacher! I reported to you about my present condition. At the same time, Teacher! Please check to see whether I am going on the right path. I cannot have no any time to go in the wrong direction. Yesterday morning, when I was practicing “sense”, the black plate with white frame suddenly appeared before my eyes, then I turned on the computer to check the New Human Line website, I found that Teacher presented the sixth article on the website. After Teacher confirmed that it was the revealable function of the Sensory Humans. This gave me considerable encouragement. Thanks. Usually, I hang one small piece of object on my neck and drop it down on T8 position. When I sit down, my back presses against the object at T8 position; I start to activate and let body warm up then I make sure the position is correct. Finally I put myself into the skin where is near T8, I feel pulsation in my whole body, I call it sensory state. Usually, I cannot remain in the sensory state too long because I do not wish it to disappear. Yesterday, I followed Teacher’s advice and relaxed my whole body, and discovered that I was able to maintain the sensory state. I could even change my position, move chair, and act my hands and feet. The outside noise did not influence me. I felt very excited and did not want to leave this refreshing sensory state. Finally, I had to leave this condition to do other things. At least I found out that the required time to enter sensory state became shorter. This morning I could even get up to do something under the sensory state and the sensory state could still remain at same condition. The situation of pulsation lessens. Teacher! Is it accurate or not? I also found out that my attitude toward dealing with affairs had changed. In the past, I was nervous and prepared psychologically. Now, I am more satisfied and composed. I act my hands or heart when the affair happens or time arrives. My sleeping times have decreased by 1.5 to 2 hours, but it is not from insomnia. I skip dinner and not feel hungry before I go to bed or after I get out of the bed. It is not without appetite. In other words, I still can eat in party or necessary condition. Teacher said: The revealable functions of the Sensory Humans must be under “sensory situation” then all functions will be naturally applied. So called “situation” in the sensory situation refers to the sensory properties including pressure, volume, temperature, constituent, specific heat, and surface tension etc. I use these properties to describe “sense” under situation. After all properties of sense are certain the “sense” has accurate state. Anyway, when the sensory states are certain then all properties of sense have fixed numerical value. We call the corresponding relationship between the single value of property and situation to be the state function. A diminutive change of the sense condition will cause a diminutive change of the sense function. The change of state function has only relationship between the beginning and ending of the sensory state and no relationship with the process of sate change. It also can explain why the sensory situation is one kind of scientific procedure and has its biochemical reaction equation. The sensory state disappears because you put “self” into the state, self is consciousness and is never kept to last. The main reason is because consciousness is the accumulation of feeling. When the inside or outside environmental changes, it continuously stimulates to produce feeling and passes it through the distinguished procedures of analysis, judgment, and logic etc. to produce comprehensive consciousness, this is procedure to produce self that is the product of the environmental stimulation. When the inside or outside environmental changes, it continuously stimulates and produces “self” until finally many selves form, which one is the real self? Therefore, no self exists at all; self appears due to situation; if without inside or outside environmental stimulation then no self forms. Wish you can recognize the real mark of the self. Our attachment to self is due to the reward feedback function of cerebral limbic system, it is the evolutionary mechanism for organism to search for foods, proliferate, and deceive the enemy—the habits. Organisms cannot completely conquer this fixed functional mechanism, so the habit of self must produce. If you want to change the self habit, you must observe the way of producing self. The self comes from feeling, if we pass it through the training and control of feeling then we can succeed the objective of changing the habit, is it? No! This understanding is completely mistaken. Because from physiological view, the formations of cell, tissue, organ, and system have their specific functions, the functions of organs and systems are decided by inheritance and development. If you wish to change their functions, you must cut them off or rebuild them; if you cannot change the functions then you cannot change your habits and fate. Hence, I pass through the human body evolutionary way to renewedly activate the genome of controlling human inheritance, development, and function and mechanism. It also controls special amino acid sequences and peptide formation process to induce cell division, replication, and new organelle formation and changed carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, amino acids, enzymes, nucleic acids, vitamins, hormones, and micro-minerals (trace elements) spontaneous irreversible biochemical reactions which let the human body develop completely new functions for cells, tissues, organs, and systems. Only this way, life will obtain the most ultimate and perfect extrication. Being relaxed and keep sense is the first step of human body evolution. During this process, if self forms then it must fail. Because it shows that you are stimulated by the inside or outside environmental messages, your functional mechanisms include all spontaneous irreversible biochemical reaction procedures that are processing and you cannot change them by yourself. It is the reason all people will fail. Relaxation and keep sense over a long period, you will enter into no self emptiness state. To stay in no self emptiness state is the most accurate way. Until you reach no self emptiness state, I will teach you how to activate body to occur the highest level of evolution. Finally, the changes of dealing with affairs and living habits represent the change of habits; it means that physiological functions change. It shows that the effect of your training causes efficiently. Continue to work hard and your degree of progress is very good and fast.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 23:24:28 +0000

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