Conversation started January 26 7:38am Hosni Elshahawi - TopicsExpress


Conversation started January 26 7:38am Hosni Elshahawi الثورات العربية و المخطط الصهيونى الأمريكى THE NEW FORM OF REVOLUTION This report recommends a new approach to revolution. The United States and its allies have practically crushed Middle East pro-democracy movements by ignoring them, coopting formal opposition parties and making cosmetic changes. To make matters worse, the United States has escalated its destabilization of nations opposed to Israeli domination. So far, the pro-democracy movements have used a benevolent domestic approach. They have focused on domestic issues, demanding leaders relinquish power to form new institutions, while movements have been pleasantly appealing to basic universal values, limiting discussions about Israel. In response, the United States has teamed up with its allies in crushing each revolution. (Ironically, the United States claims it supports revolutions’ values while arming regimes murdering demonstrators.) This report recommends the opposite approach. Do not expect repressive regimes to voluntarily give up power; they are supported by the United States, which is dominating the region for Israel. The revolutions will need to create change without relying on regimes’ consent. Indeed, the revolutions may need to rely on strategies that challenge regimes’ ability to rule, such as targeted labor strikes, and independently form new alternatives to the government. Once domestic movements effectively challenge local rulers, an international anti-Zionist mobilization should be formed, opposing American influence throughout the Islamic World. This mobilization should isolate the “Zionist American Empire” through massive economic boycotts, cultural boycotts and political realignments. In short, strategies that do not rely on the consent of regimes and that internationally oppose imperialist domination may be necessary. Large protests will not be enough to reform repressive tyrannies. The United States’ media ignored Yemen’s gigantic protests for six months, and the Egyptian military responded to huge protests by imprisoning thousands, while massacring demonstrators. Hunger strikes will not be enough. The United States has ignored courageous hunger strikes in Bahrain and Palestine, and it is still arming the regimes. In the meantime, activists are continuing to suffer. In safeguarding revolutions, anti-Zionist mobilizations may need to prevent Zionist subversion. Mobilizations should oppose Israel’s attempts to dominate Lebanon and any attempts to divide Arab nations into small fragments. For example, America’s allies may arm insurgents to hijack revolutions and divide states along sectarian lines, weakening resistance to Israel. Even though this report starts with global economic boycotts, which should appeal to many activists, the international mobilization is the central section. SUMMARY This section summarizes the report “International Mobilizations.” A new approach to revolution is needed. Repressive regimes will not voluntarily give up power because they are supported by the United States, which is dominating the region for Israel. Regimes have made cosmetic changes, and the U.S. has escalated its destabilization of Israel’s opponents. The people will need to internationally mobilize against American influence, after effectively challenging local regimes. First, activists should use domestic strategies that do not rely on regimes for creating change. Then, they should form an international anti-Zionist mobilization, boycotting the United States, politically, culturally and economically. The people will need to ensure Zionist subversion does not derail this. The public should not allow U.S. allies to arm insurgents, in an attempt to create sectarian conflicts, which may divide nations into small substates, weakening resistance to Israel. The region should also oppose Zionists’ plans to dominate Lebanon. DOMESTIC RESISTANCE Revolutions will need to create changes without depending on regimes’ approval. To do this, movements may need to challenge regimes’ ability to rule and independently form alternative institutions. Revolutions may experiment with methods they can use to challenge regimes. For example, targeted labor strikes, cyclically disrupting regimes’ key industries, may be useful. Revolutions may also experiment with alternative institutions. For example, activists can post documents describing new laws, constitutions, elections, public programs and institutions. The public can then locally implement them in a national franchise. This would encourage broad public participation that is difficult for the army to centrally suppress. INTERNATIONAL MOBILIZATIONS Once the people effectively challenge America’s client dictators, they should internationally mobilize against America’s domination of the region. They should ideologically, culturally, politically and economically boycott the United States, curbing American influence and isolating it. Ideology The Islamic World should unite against the “Zionist American Empire.” This would unite the region, connect multiple campaigns and mobilize the public in massive protests. America is using repressive local rulers to crush democracy, so it may implement hated policies in support of Israeli Apartheid. Economics The Islamic World should boycott American products, replacing them with alternative brands, permanently limiting American economic influence. However, economic boycotts should not be implemented in a manner that harms Muslim economies; therefore, boycotts of consumer items may be preferable to industrial boycotts in most cases. Consumer boycotts should target key items in large economies. The Gulf should stop buying American sports utility vehicles. North Africa and Indonesia should stop importing American wheat, corn, soybeans and vegetable oil. Turkey should stop importing American steel. The Islamic World should stop flying on American aircrafts. All of this can reduce American exports to the Muslim world by one third. In addition, the international community should stop buying Israel’s blood diamonds. Please refer to the accompanying report, “Global Boycotts,” for an excellent summary of this section. Culture The Islamic World should boycott American tourists, travel, entertainment, music, professional consultants and mainstream propaganda news outlets. This would notify Americans their government has alienated the world. The international community should also universally condemn U.S. news coverage for using propaganda in support of U.S. invasions, while hiding Israel’s crimes. However, cultural boycotts should be anti-imperialist, not anti-Western. The Muslim Word should continue to have strong ties with Europe, and it should continue to warmly welcome American activists and freelance journalists. Politics International mobilizations should demand new political alliances, replacing America. The U.S. should be expelled from the U.N. Security Council, and the Security Council should be disbanded. A “Native Peoples’ Court” should be formed, placing Israeli and Western leaders on trial for crimes against humanity. Political realignments should also counter U.S. militarism and Israeli aggression. Local governments should seek alternative sources of military assistance, and they should close U.S. military bases. Palestine’s neighbors should oppose treaties with Israel and provide humanitarian assistance to Gaza, ending the Israeli siege. Networks Economic boycotts focus on regional patterns for maximum impact. For example, the Gulf should stop buying American cars, and North Africa should stop buying American grains. Likewise, international mobilizations should focus on regional networks for maximum impact. Geographic networks should identify groups of countries, based on important traits, such as population, economy and location. This would allow each group to uniquely contribute. To illustrate, the United Arab Emirates may be vital in economic boycotts, while Palestine’s neighbors may be vital in opposing treaties with Israel. Activist networks should include industry experts and international researchers. They can provide valuable technical information for social networkers, engaged in local community organizing. Activists should be aware of these four themes upon reviewing this report: • New models of revolution are needed. Regimes will not voluntarily give up power. • Successful domestic revolutions can escalate into major international mobilizations. • An international response may be needed to resist American influence. Resisting it in isolated domestic movements may be similar to resisting the British Empire without referring to it by name. • Global economic boycotts can be a practical, powerful tool, if applied strategically, as part of a broader campaign. February 15
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 20:44:59 +0000

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