Conversation with God: I cry Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty. - TopicsExpress


Conversation with God: I cry Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty. Maker of Heaven and earth. Your steadfast love endures forever. You have seen and You have heard. You stand up and Your enemies scatter. You are invited into my day today and everyday and I see You change water into wine. I see You make something plain into something beautiful. How great is our God. How majestic is His Name in all the earth there is no god like the Lord our God. Im exhausted. Im tired. I am weary. But I am not without hope or help, this I know. Lord Someone wouldnt help the other day because it was too cold. Too cold to bring the children? LORD Im thankful You did not have that attitude on the way to calvary. Thank you that your word say We must go up to Jerusalem. Knowing you would be crucified there. It also says, that for the JOY that was set before you, you endured the cross. Thank you. Please give me that kind of attitude so I can be joyful as Your hands and feet. Im exhausted. I need Your mind and Your strength and Your heart. Im tired of hearing people battle about what everyone else should be doing and how they should be living their lives. EVERYONE else is living in sin except for them. You have said If My people (me) who are called by My Name (me) will humble themselves (me) and pray and turn from their (me) wicked ways, then You would hear from heaven and heal their (my) land. You called me to be holy. I will face You. I do not want to be like Peter and look behind me saying, but Lord, what about him. I want to get up and hear Your gentle voice leading me first thing every morning. I want to rest in Your sovereignty and trust in Your love. Give me more of You. Let me be a grace giver. Lord let me remember always this...Jesus, knowing where He came from and where He was going, got down on His knees and washed His disciple feet. Let me keep that kind of focus and be that kind of servant. Im weary. I am especially weary of hearing people say We need Jesus to come back. Come back from where? Are You not in our midst? We need a miracle. We need the rapture. You Yourself have told us that is not something to wish for...the end of days. It wont be joyful for anyone who truly has Your heart and is Your child. If it is a joy to anyone I am sure they wont be with You in heaven. I have prayed for 18 solid years to understand Romans 10:29 Think how much worse will be the punishment deserved by someone who has trampled underfoot the Son of God; who has treated as something common the blood of the covenant which made him holy; and who has insulted the Spirit, giver of God’s grace! This is us, many times me. Crying and whining for help for you to come back. Not wanting to give grace to someone who desperately needs it. Our lives are miserable infested with disease. We moan and groan as if we have no one to help us. Our lives do not look like lives of the children of God Almighty. We dont want to listen. We especially dont want to parent. We want to blame and we just want a pill to make it better. Your Spirit You sent and Your sacrifice has not been enough? Sorry. You have said, it is finished all power in heaven and earth has been given to You. Dont You live in me!? Yes. (I am comforted and strengthened) We trample under foot Your blood day by day as we spit in the face of people made in Your image as we call hell fire down on them because they dont worship You. An animal is more valuable than one of Your own here even by those to profess Your Name? We are angry because They dont abide by Your laws. Yet, You have called me to worship You. You have written Your laws on my heart. You have given me Your Spirit. I am not without Help. I am not alone. Please forgive me for the times I have acted as if I were. What other miracle do we need? Your resurrection was not enough? Your salvation is not enough? How can we keep on sinning? Trampling You blood, living in this state of unbelief even to the point we refuse to admit we are in unbelief. For if we truly believe oh what wouldnt we do!? I am a child of the King let me act like it. The other day I spoke with a blatantly disruptive teenager. It wasnt until I sat and heard her heart did I begin to see her. Her mom died last year. She has not processed it at all. She cant read well at all. She has been molested by one of her relatives. Yet I want her and all the others whos lives are similar or worse to sing Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty. Your word stands true...If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don’t love, I’m nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate. Touch my ears O Lord so I hear clearly what is not being said. Touch my eyes again that I might see people as people and not as blurry trees walking around. Slow down time in me so I take the time to listen. The other day Jesus I wanted to turn over tables in Your house. I was so angry. Yet you sent me two to calm my Spirit and remind me to call out to You. Thank you. I dont want to treat the blood of Your covenant unholy. I want to love one another and I want to be a conduit for Your grace. May I not trample underfoot Your blood any longer as if it were not enough for all that I need for daily living. Lord I know Your coming is inevitable. We for some reason here on earth think its cause for celebration unfortunately it means once again just like we did in the garden, we have failed. We have failed to subdue this land. We have failed to submerge people in the One true Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the mad passionate LOVE that You are. Your coming is inevitable, swift and You will once again be victorious. And while I am thankful for that I pray You have no need to come on my watch. May I and my family constantly bring Your Kingdom and Your will to our little part of earth we are responsible for. May we believe so much that Your glory, Your life giving spirit and Your love show all around on our little piece of heaven on earth and spread like a blazing wild fire to the remotest parts of this world. Jesus I Pray Your Name will seal this prayer yet not my will but Your will be done. Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 17:09:14 +0000

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