Conversations on the bus: Evangelical to Me: Are you living - TopicsExpress


Conversations on the bus: Evangelical to Me: Are you living your life like Job? Me: What? Evangelical: God was so confidant in Jobs faith he let the devil take his children and wife to show that Job wouldnt turn against him. Me: Doesnt that story bother you? That your god allowed a devil to kill all those people to win what was basically a bar bet? Evangelical: They were sinners, and god judged them worthy to die. Me: But your bible doesnt say that. All it says is that god killed them to prove a point to the devil. Evangelical: Well, than that was their purpose in life. Me: Seems kind of petty for an all-powerful being, doesnt it? Evangelical: No. Without god you cannot have purpose. Me: (resisting making Agent Smith references) That seems like a pretty big guess. I dont believe in a god, but I feel like I have purpose in my life. I work hard everyday to try and make the world a little bit better. Evangelicals: Well thats just like the Nazis. Me: 0_0 .....wut? Evangelical: Thats just like the Nazis. They were all atheists who believed in evolution, and wanted to create their own purpose in life--to get rid of less-evolved people. Me: Youre comparing me to the Nazis because I dont believe in your god? Evangelical: No. But your thinking is just like them. Me: Ok, youre an asshole. But leaving that aside, youre aware most of the Nazis were Christians, right? Evangelical: No, they were atheists. No Christian would do horrible things like that. Me: Um... Christians have been responsible for almost every war, genocide, and horrific torture in the last 2000 years. Evangelical: You need to read your bible more and put down your secular lying history books. *He leaves the bus* Me: BAHAHAHA! :D
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 12:14:12 +0000

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