Conversion to Christianity - Spiritual imperialism through the - TopicsExpress


Conversion to Christianity - Spiritual imperialism through the backdoor - Lessons for Hindus No Paid Media Outrage? Mahadalits converted to Christrianity in Bihar – No murmurs or outrage ? Huge foreign funds continue to pour into Christian coffers to convert people away from their native faith. (File Photo) As many as 200 people belonging to 40 Mahadalit families from Atia village in Bodh Gaya block of Gaya district in Bihar have been converted from Hinduism to Christianity. Incidentally, Gaya is the home district of Bihar Chief Minister Jitan Ram Manjhi, who himself belongs to Mahadalit community. It must be recalled that in 2008, 35 families from the same village in Bihar were converted from Hinduism to Christianity. Similar reports of conversion of Mahadalits from Hinduism to Christianity surfaced from Bhagalpur and Munger districts of Bihar. According to a report published in the Hindu, the recent mass conversion took place at a Christmas function organised by priest Brother Rajkishore at a local school. Officials say those who converted to Christianity maintain that they changed their religion for a better living. Meanwhile, Chief Minister Jitan Ram Manjhi has ordered a probe into the incident. Manjhi said: “I have come to know about the incident and instructed the District Magistrate of Gaya to probe it The conversion could be due to lack of awareness, and somewhere it seems that money or education was used to lure the people. These things will become clear in the probe and we will take action against the guilty.” Article 25 of the Indian Constitution grants to citizens of all religious persuasions freedom to profess, practise and propagate their faith in a way that does not disrupt public order and does not affect public health and morality adversely. But fraudulent conversion is a criminal act and can’t be brushed under the carpet. It is a matter of fact that conversion through inducement, fraud and force has been taking place in the country by missionaries since long. Huge foreign funds continue to pour into Christian coffers to convert people away from their native faith. Illegal conversion is creating discontentment within the society in backward regions. It is time Government brings a national law against illegal conversion. niticentral/2014/12/26/mahadalits-converted-christrianity-bihar-no-murmurs-outrage-293430.html
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 12:45:56 +0000

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