Coot role (about large format ) is , and what you have ordered the - TopicsExpress


Coot role (about large format ) is , and what you have ordered the guard of Kamakura during the Muromachi period and early late Heian period , since the beginning of Kyoto , Kamakura era samurai local . Legal Code for the Warrior Class is a samurai of the Kamakura period law is enacted , it has been documented as the duties of Gokenin in three large ~Kejo prisoners . The Kamakura period and later , allocated to each country , each patron becomes responsible , it hits the command with Gokenin distributed to domestic and ( coot reminder ) . I obsolete Dynasty in North and South then . Kyoto No. role No. of Kyoto role the duties of hitting the security (and regent to the emperor home later ) and in- and Imperial Palace in Kyoto . Burden is large for samurai local , the period was on duty three years the Heian period , but three months when it comes to the Kamakura period the mid Yoritomo Minamoto shortened to six months work , the superiority of the samurai is determined for aristocrats it was greatly reduced and work . However , it is a chance to local samurai has ties and aristocrats of central , and was able to get the official rank through coot role in the late Heian period . This means that there is an advantage that is in hand position as Zaicho government people that you have appointed Kai rights Kai Zhou of the country itself is Zaichi , and get backed by the authority of the court control over was . Also , it seems there was also to absorb the culture of the capital , such as a song , bring back to the region it . As a disadvantage , there was also the child is undertaking is not limited to Soryo These coot role in reverse , but if Soryo is lost while in Kyoto is a child , and younger brother , uncle exploitation itself Soryo without permission locally there was also the situation that might result to occur (for example, Kazusa Hirotsune ) . In addition , there was also that if you have the local child be in the Kyo father is Soryo , rapid response would not be possible even if there is unrest in the local (for example, Hatakeyama Shigetada ) . Kamakura Coot role Of Kamakura coot role serves to security (including facilities such as offices samurai generals and Imperial Palace ) Shogunate in Kamakura . I hit the apprenticeship of apprenticeship and your favor . In the midst of the feudal system, which is derived by apprenticeship and your favor , it is of course duties for Gokenin to serve shogunate . 大番役(おおばんやく)は、平安時代後期から室町時代初期にかけて、地方の武士に京、鎌倉時代に入ってからは鎌倉の警護を命じたもの。 鎌倉時代の武家法である御成敗式目が制定されると、大犯三ヶ条において御家人の職務として明文化された。鎌倉時代以降は、各国に振り分けられ、各守護が責任者となり、国内の御家人に振り分けして指揮に当たった(大番催促)。その後南北朝時代に廃れた。 京都大番役 京都の皇居や院など(のちに摂関家も)の警備に当たる職務を京都大番役という。地方の武士にとっては負担が大きく、その期間は平安時代には3年勤務であったが、源頼朝が半年勤務に短縮し、公家に対して武家の優位が確定する鎌倉時代中期になると3ヶ月勤務と大幅に短縮された。 しかしながら、平安時代末期においては地方の武士が中央の公家と結び付きを持つチャンスであり、大番役を通して官位を手にする事が出来た。つまり自らが在地している国の介・権介・掾に任命してもらう事で在庁官人としての地位を手にし、支配権を朝廷の権威に裏打ちしてもらうと言う利点があった。また、歌などの都の文化を吸収し、それを地方に持ち帰ることもあったようである。 逆にデメリットとして、こうした大番役は惣領に限らずその子が請け負う事もあったが、子が京にいる間に惣領がなくなった場合、地元で弟・叔父などが勝手に惣領の地位を収奪してしまう、という事態が起きることもあった(例:上総広常)。また、惣領である父が京にあって子が地元にいる場合、地元で騒乱があっても迅速な対応が出来かねるということもあった(例:畠山重忠)。 鎌倉大番役 鎌倉の幕府(将軍御所や侍所などの施設を含む)を警備する役目を鎌倉大番役という。御恩と奉公の奉公に当たる。御恩と奉公によって導き出される封建制の中にあって、幕府に仕える御家人にとっては当然の職務となる。
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 08:39:16 +0000

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