Cop Block Since Facebook has enabled messaging to group pages, - TopicsExpress


Cop Block Since Facebook has enabled messaging to group pages, this page often receives messages asking why contributors here never show law enforcement officers in a positive light or the good officers ? So I ask myself, what is a good police officer? It cant be anyone employed with the NYPD, with their illegal stop and frisk policy violating everyones 4th Amendment rights. And it cant be any Illinois Officers that up until recent have disregarded the 2nd amendment, so you go straight to jail if you own a handgun illegally. If you really think about it almost every state has seat belt laws that any officer can pull you over, issue an extortion ticket for money or face jail if you dont pay it for a victimless crime. One that is not about safety since the person will usually unbuckle the seat belt right after the officer has pulled away, its about money and quotas or as higher ranking officers like to call it performance goals . S what makes a good officer that these persons keep sending messages here? Some have said the video of a cop stopping to throw a football with a teen. While that may be nice and fun, possible great PR like it received I dont see how that helps the public. Until I ran across this video. A Private business call the cops to have homeless persons belongings removed from their property. Usually this will result in a swat team coming in cutting all their tents, sleeping bags and clothing as they throw them into a dumpster while macing anyone in raggedy clothes. They way the officer handled it surprised me. He moved all of their belongings over two feet to a public sidewalk. Amazing, issue resolved. No arrests, both private parties have their personal property respected. End of story. So for those that wanted to see a Peace officer acting in a professional manner. This is for you --Rob
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 02:40:30 +0000

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