Cop shot a kid down in cold blood, pursued him up the street - TopicsExpress


Cop shot a kid down in cold blood, pursued him up the street shooting, then drove off and did not report it in to the station. His superiors learned there was a body roasting in the street from the News. What a HERO for Pig Lovers to defend. Naturally police from all over are streaming to Ferguson to shoot people in the name of cops right to shoot people. The Feds are leading the charge. Lets see how this plays out. Either the cops come out of this with a lot more power to just kill people on a whim, or the tide turns and people start limiting cop power. By the way, I have no faith in new laws to restrict cop abuse and criminality. Its already illegal for cops to shoot people for no reason and try to cover it up, and it does not make any difference to the cops or to the judges. Even when cops are facing sentence for heinous crimes, they pop up and say that as cops they should not have to go to prison with ordinary citizens because they might get beaten up. And judges actually buy it. Any of the rest of us say that, and they say, you getting beaten up is part of the point of us sending you to prison, boy. Non-violent, does not matter. Its a Global War of Uniforms against regular people, whether here, Gaza, Ukraine, or most anywhere else. You can identify the mass murderers or the wannabe mass murderers because they are the ones in the God Damned Uniforms.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 00:42:36 +0000

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