Copied from David Mkwambisi > My Malawi My Views Colleagues I - TopicsExpress


Copied from David Mkwambisi > My Malawi My Views Colleagues I share with you an email I received from a young Malawian. Read this with open heart and if possible let us support this boy to achieve his dreams. Here he goes: Dear Dr. Mkwambisi (Sorry for a long email, but I will be grateful if you read to the end) My name is XXXX, an 18 year old boy from Chikhwawa, Malawi. I completed my MSCE at Zomba Catholic Secondary school in 2012, where I got 12 points (see notification of results attached). It has always been my dream to study Engineering to be part of the answer to the problems that Malawi is facing. Highly motivated by so many international people who were visiting us in Secondary school, I strongly had the passion to study abroad. Apart from sitting for my University Entrance Exams (for UNIMA), I have been searching online for schools and scholarships to study abroad. I found several opportunities for sub-Saharan African students wishing to study in the USA, which fully cover students’ fees, accommodation, airfares for four years. I found a program that interests me a lot, though I have never heard of it in Malawi. It is called BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. I believe if taken to study, the course will equip me with skills necessary to answer the challenges that our medical sector is facing- I hope to learn how to apply engineering principles to health care services, which is my passion. I have been in contact with the universities offering the scholarships,(namely Arizona, Stanford, Duke and Michigan), asking them the requirements for one to be considered for the scholarships. They told me that I have to send my academic documents (which I have), plus some aptitude test scores called Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). My research tells me that these tests are offered by the AMERICAN EMBASSY in Lilongwe, but they cost the following TOEFL: $170 SAT: $81 Both exams will be written between 13 September and 7 december 2013 However, my guardian (my elder sister, who is a civil servant) says she cannot afford the cost of the exams. As such I decided to ask well-wishers to assist me with part of, or if possible, the whole cost of the Exam. I will be grateful to put Malawi on the maps of the world best universities, such as DUKE which produced the current CEO of APPLE, Tom cook, as well as Melinda Gates, wife to the renowned philanthropist, Bill Gates. I dream to become a prominent professional doctor, and philanthropist like you sometime in the future! I saw your name and contacts on Nyasa times, where you assisted 25 students in secondary schools. That is amazing! I would like to ask if you can help me too realize my dream, of if you can suggest to me any charitable organisations available in town. I live in chikwawa where there isn’t much going on. God should bless you all the time. I will be waiting to hear from you. Muthanso kumuthandiza Mnyamatayu!!!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 11:23:06 +0000

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