Copied from Mahesh Murthy on Facebook. Please share - TopicsExpress


Copied from Mahesh Murthy on Facebook. Please share extensively (For some reason - I have no idea why - this post of mine went missing. Im putting it right back.) Oye Narendra Modi and his minions - you shouldnt be doing stuff like this just because Mukesh Ambani asked you to. There are weightier matters out there to take care of. Like how youll force the government to raise the amount it pays Reliance if you come to power. And Akash. ) Okay, lets take this AAP ran away from Delhi allegation. Here are the facts, should you choose to consider them at all: * AAP did not win the most seats in Delhi. It won 28 out of 70. The BJP won 31 and had 1 external support. The Congress had 8. No one had majority. * The BJP declined to govern when it was asked to. It ran away, and not the last time either as youll see. The assembly was in limbo, if you remember. There was talk of re-polls. * The Congress offered AAP support from the outside -do note, the AAP didnt ask for it. The AAP said Hey, if you agree with us on the 18 laws we want to change, and if you agree in writing to support them, then we can break the deadlock and give Delhi a government. Else we are happy to stay where we are or go for a re-election. * The Congress - perhaps fearing a re-election where they would win even less, said yes, in writing. * The AAP formed the Delhi government with the outside support of the Congress. In the first 7 weeks they passed 16 of the 18 laws they had promised to pass. This itself is unprecedented, if you choose to see it as such, and some sort of proof of governance, again if you choose to see it as such. * The two laws they could not pass, because of staunch opposition from Congress and BJP, were the Jan Lok Pal bill and the Swaraj Bill. The Congress by now had gone back on its written word, and they teamed up with the BJP who were also afraid of their corrupt netas and even more corrupt sponsor Ambani being found out, and opposed these bills. * Perhaps the tipping point was the FIR filed against Mukesh Ambani and Reliance for attempting to steal Rs. 25,000 crores from the coffers through artificially inflated gas prices. In a clear show of who actually directs the Congress and BJP, both parties came together 3 days after the Ambani FIR to vote down the AAP-proposed bills and in effect, end the AAP government. * Faced with this, the AAP had a choice - they could either compromise and govern Delhi under the proxy thumb of the Congress-BJP-Reliance combine - or they could resign and seek a fresh mandate from the people- and get the 36+ seats they needed, to rule Delhi the way the voters wanted. * The AAP resigned and asked the Lieutenant Governor to call fresh elections right away to see if they could the full mandate to govern without compromise. This was a few months ago. * At this point, both the BJP and Congress, in unison protested and said they were too busy doing other things to care about fighting elections in Delhi. In effect, both of them ran away again. So Delhi suffers under no rule right now - but this is not because the AAP ran away. Its because the BJP and Congress did. * And currently thats the situation. The AAP wants elections in Delhi. It believes it can clearly win a majority by itself. The Congress and the BJP are the bhagodas in Delhi, unwilling to face the electorate for the state legislative assembly right away. * What they are hoping for, perhaps, is to try to win some presence in Parliament and then buy AAP legislators over to their side later. They believe the more they can delay elections in Delhi, the more they can create fear, uncertainty and doubt to try to get voters back to them. Now these are the facts about who ran away and who didnt. These might be useful, should you choose to get facts into your consideration at all, or should you want to share this note with others who might have a different understanding of what happened. (And once again, BJP and Congress guys - do remember, if you try to get this deleted, I and many others have copies - and well just put it right back up. Kinda pointless na? Thank you.) Warm regards!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 03:07:21 +0000

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