(Copied from Mark) Ive just been asked why the British - TopicsExpress


(Copied from Mark) Ive just been asked why the British government have invested over £10 million in the Madeleine McCaan case. Well, they havent. Theyve actually spent £10 million covering it up. Gerry McCaan is a 33rd degree Mason and has inside knowledge of the paedophile ring that runs through the corridors of power. He was actually a registered peadophile until a few years ago when the entry was mysteriously removed. The McCaans know exactly where their daughter is because they buried her there. If the truth about the government cover-up of this is ever exposed it will also uncover the paedophilia and cannibalism in the Monarchy too. The whole house of cards will come crashing down. And they dont want that, do they? So, theyll do whatever it takes to keep a lid on this thing. But the more we spread the word and make people aware of what is really going on, the greater our chances are of freeing humanity from their evil clutches and evolving to a higher consciousness. Thats right, folks. World peace, love and harmony. The hippies werent wrong! The Queen alone is worth £trillions. She could end world hunger overnight. So, why doesnt she? And why does her and her family persist in eating our children? Its not like they cant afford a takeaway. Come on, you lot. Please share this link and lets sort this shit out. Its not as difficult as you think. Im not asking you to climb a mountain or run the gauntlet. Im just asking you to help create awareness of the root cause of our problems. Simply copy and paste this text along with this link. Then tell all your friends and family about it. If they call you crazy, send them to me and Ill deal with them. We CAN save the world if we work together. Simples. You may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one...
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 17:26:28 +0000

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