Coping with a debilitating chronic illness and constant pain makes - TopicsExpress


Coping with a debilitating chronic illness and constant pain makes every day challenging. Pain, fatigue and symptom management totally take over your life and it can often feel as if you live behind a sound-proofed window, through which no one can hear your silent screams. The relentless search for peoples understanding can seem like a lost cause but awareness is spreading; websites, blogs and pages like this one are here not only to comfort and heal, letting you know that you are not alone in this, but also to help loved-ones understand. There are no typical days with chronic illness and chronic pain: A fact that is key to coping with chronic illness. Our society encourages a fast-paced life with little sleep and high stress. When youre ill, you need to allow yourself to shift gears. Don’t feel guilty if you can’t keep up the pace with those around you. Theres no magic bullet for healing, and giving yourself deadlines for feeling better will only add undue stress. When you become ill for an extended period of time, its natural to worry about the future or to focus on how things “used to be.” Learning from what has happened and cherishing the memories you have are both constructive uses of the past; however, longing for yesterday, or focusing on what your life was, can be detrimental. Similarly, worrying about what struggles, symptoms or unpleasantness may be lurking around the corner will keep you in a state of fear and anxiety. Try to keep yourself living in the moment and just take baby steps each day, as you are able. If youre struggling physically or emotionally, don’t keep it bottled up inside. Pushing down your feelings or putting on a perpetually brave face will just lead to further stress. Be honest with yourself and those around you about how you are feeling. While remaining positive is a strong source of healing, if you are struggling with the negative realities of your condition, face it head on. Discuss your pains, fears and emotions with those close to you or journal about them. This will help you to release them and be able to move beyond them. Having friends and family standing by your side is a great source of strength. Those who have stuck by you, emailed, called or visited help to renew your spirit when things were rocky. Illness is no time to have to worry about maintaining toxic relationships. Distinguish your true friends and loving family members and keep them in your inner circle. Read more here: 7 Ways To Cope With Chronic Illness
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 07:23:02 +0000

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