Coppied TOP 10 UPCOMING JOURNALISTS TO WATCH OUT FOR In Malawi, the media has generally been good at bringing the reaviling issues that need sanity, yes situation that have to be known by the entire nation. You may recall very well about the Bakili Muluzi money fracas, Evison Matafale murder, Ndata farm rows, Cashgate, Ghosts at Sanjika and many more issues. If it were not for the brave media, such wouldn’t have been known. We have such journalists now and it is undisoutable that they are getting old day in day out. However there is new blood coming in. Below are the ten journalists the nation will depend on that in the next 5 years or so. 1. Austin Kakande. Austin is one of the hands that have been behind the cyber growth of Malawi Voice. Just as any other journalist out there, his very close work mates tout his keenness to work all time. Kakande is very hardworking committed to work and a spirited team worker. In the next few years, Malawi will have that name swinging and ringing bells for itself for news. He is the Editor of Malawi Voice now. 2. Stevie Chauluka Stevie is now working for Matindi Fm. The University of Malawi Diploma in Journalism holder might just falling into those die hards n the news room. Despite being a new comer in the Matindi FM studios, Stevie had hit it out already on his spirited, commitment to work on news and make sure the audience listen t something new. Stevie is keen on asking what others have been doing and in Journalism that is one of the requirement, no wonder, he is becoming a household name and will surely be one touted news source in the years to come. 3. Joseph Dumbula Joseph is the current Editor of Malawi24,an online publication which has gained popularity all of a sudden. Just as Austin and Stevie, the Diploma in Journalism student is one hard worker and team spirited and has worked on a number of big stories and interviewed big faces which some journalists purportedly fear. Joseph, is also known by our fellow journalists for the sense of humour he has but not believed from his work. And falling for the same song above, we have one big journalist in the making here. 4. Chinsinsi Moyo And for Chinsinsi, it seems we are already talking of a big journalist, but well hold on. She recently managed to win of the awards for good environmental stories aired on Capital FM where she is apparently plying her trade. The Diploma in Journalism holder is becoming that name you hear every day in Capital F.Ms Day Break Malawi. And in Chinsinsi, we have one name to feed Malawi with news. 5. Victor Singano As for this one, it is a reputable name already in Sports news at Montfort Media. However, in Victor, there is one good Chichewa news writer, one journalist who tell the match in totality in ink. Victor is one name no one will have to read twice in the future. Experienced sport news writers, know that you have a replacement in Victor. 6. Cidrick Yusuf He works under Malawi Voice. Cid is a very committed one writer who after some years will be one big name and with his keenness to learn, we will surely make a good one in him. The Diploma in Journalism student is actually having more political and big stories on Malawi Voice Website something which does not exonerate him at all. 7. Chimwemwe Mangazi Not a lad into the industry but Chimwemwe is one youthful journalist currently working or Capital Radio but has a lot of future in him. He has also hosted the flagship Capital Radio`s News Talk among other reputable news programmes. Hold on, Chimzy might have fallen into the dungeon of informing Malawians, but, we still have him gaining experience and its a naked truth that we are making one big journalist in him. 8. Happy Soko This is one budding journalist whom we understand that is working for Malawi24. Happy, a UNIMA Diploma in Journalism holder is also a very good writer committed to his work and has created a very cordial relationship with top journalists in the country. If what sources say is anything to adopt then just as the above, one big name is being made in this spirited worker. 9. Thumbiko Nyirongo Curently , chief Reporter working for Malawi Voice. In Thumbiko we have one good writer who has been consistently feeding the website with new and updates day in day out. The Diploma in Journalism student actually focuses on politics and his work is by far worthy appreciating. 10. Negraciuos SC. The name might sound fake though but that not why we are reading this. Neg has been the able hand behind Malawi Watchdog, one of the social media news feeds platforms running in Malawi. By just getting to his personal account on Facebook, one will surely know we have a good writer in him. He is one person whose work is however more engulfed by personal opinions but presents matters interestingly. Finally, by having these above budding journalists it does not mean they are the only one who can beat the odds. They are not in any order. Search them on Facebook and add them. We have others very impressive too. We must also say that as its stands, journalism is one of the fields that has someone judged over what he/she is doing. Happy new year, this was compiled by one journalist in Lilongwe at one of the radios but keen follower on online media and the electronic one.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 12:12:10 +0000

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