Coppolino says, “Monsanto’s 11th house provides a description - TopicsExpress


Coppolino says, “Monsanto’s 11th house provides a description why the company seems so intractable, including its stranglehold on the public.” Also that, “Monsanto survived the onslaughts against genetically modified food by its usual tactics – the use of government influence.” But, here’s the apparent bugaboo in an otherwise perfect chart: “Monsanto’s Jupiter-Saturn conjunction will experience a simultaneous conjunction from Pluto and square from Uranus, which happens in 2015.” That cosmic event may precipitate dramatic and traumatic events for Monsanto. Here’s how he describes it: While there is no way to predict exactly what the Uranus-Pluto square will bring, there are few astrologers who would dare to underestimate its potential power. Those who are working for a sane response to genetic modification or to stop Monsanto outright, should know that the company is approaching a vulnerable moment, which is an invitation for activists to persist in their efforts.[1] As an example of how celestial energies affect earthly events, especially with regard to Monsanto and its GMOs, Coppolino points to the lunar eclipse in May 2013 that impacted several events Monsanto had to stiffen its upper lip to: - May 25, 2013 the world wide March Against Monsanto; - Less than a week later, an Oregon farmer finds Roundup Ready wheat; - Japan cancels their entire wheat order/shipments from the USA because of the Roundup Ready wheat discovery; - Monsanto gives up on pushing GMO products into the European Union regulatory process; - And, in addition to the above happenings within about a week or so, Kansas wheat farmer Ernest Barnes filed a federal lawsuit June 3rd alleging he and other wheat farmers have been hurt financially because of the Oregon GMO wheat findings. activistpost/2013/08/gmos-what-do-stars-say-astrologically.html
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 03:54:08 +0000

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