Copy This Due to what used to be called “in-depth - TopicsExpress


Copy This Due to what used to be called “in-depth reporting;” when journalists researched their assignments and reported to the public with impartiality, it has been revealed that a certain Jr. United States Senator has; in past speeches, lifted the writings of other authors. Plus; there is a misunderstanding of the term plagiarism … There is no dispute about the crediting of the two movie’s premises; that is not what this is about… all the talk of not properly foot-noting; does not pertain in this case… It is the indiscriminate usage of a published document; written by someone else, in whole or in part, presented as your own work. As a struggling, hopeful writer myself; I find it inexcusable … it is tough enough to find your own voice; without the underlying threat of some unprofessional out there, ripping off your work. Surely if speechwriting proves too strenuous or time-consuming for this Senator; professional help can be summoned… Not for advice in the speechwriting process… Legal advice… for if the good Senator persists in this unwise tactic; he will indeed find out how irrelevant footnotes and screenwriting credits are. The description you were “borrowing” from in your speeches; was written by someone, Senator Paul. You can’t be that clueless… Or maybe you can… Anyway; the journalism world is watching now, combing through past speeches as we speak. If more examples of your “borrowing” arise; they will be all over you like red ants on a fish head… Now; that was one of a class of down South-redneck terms. Mitch can explain it to you, if you don’t follow… If the second kick of a mule won’t educate you; the feeding frenzy of swarming fire ants will at least get your attention… You spin the incidents as a big misunderstanding; we’ve got it all wrong, and you will shore-up the foot noting and writing of the credits, and a particular network news anchor will have to desist…because she is one the haters bent on your demise… Good luck with that. At least choose something worthy of plagiarizing… How about this one; and I quote: We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans--born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage--and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. Or this one; and again I quote: To those people in the huts and villages of half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required--not because the communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. Those excerpts are from the Inaugural Address given by President John F. Kennedy… Friday 20 January 1961… a date found by doing what is known as research… I know those iconic passages do not reflect your views, Senator. Read those passages again. Understand that your views are in opposition to that historic Address… Your view’s needs votes… We the People; our views are the ones that matter… I’ve just had a great idea! Since the House is having difficulty coming up with some ‘work’ to do; to while away the paltry number of days your GOP brethren have scheduled to waste, and knowing the Republican’s fondness for convening Committees; I believe-(and I think others do, also)-that the Senate and House Ethics Committees should hold a Hearing to look into these allegations of yours. This is a serious matter. (Sound familiar?) Responsibility must be taken… If this scandal involved the President; if he was in your position, I bet the lot of you would be screaming the word impeachment-while rolling up your sleeves. He is not in your position, though… You are… Because when you plagiarize someone; you not only steal their words. You steal their context as well. A writer’s work becomes a living thing… have you ever heard of “killing a story?” I bet you have… I bet you have… The writers literary or journalistic output is a hard-copy, word-coded representative of the author who gave an idea life. You coax a story from an idea; work with it, invest in it, nurture it, pour heart and soul in it, until it is deemed ready to be submitted for the masses to view. By that time; the work is a representation of the author… their clone. A literary embodiment of the writer; whoever they are. Styles, pace, rhythm, substance, and credibility of work can identify an author faster than their own name, in some cases. A writer submits their reputation along with their work, also. I guess it is still done that way; I’m no journalist, though… just someone who likes to write. The Modus Operandi must be different; in Washington. An article or story deemed “kill-worthy;” may kill a career, also. Hence; the clone reference… This is not a game, toying with a writer’s profession; the way they choose to provide for their families. The thought of someone stealing my work… Using words of mine; to suit their context, or their point (by the magic of editing)… it leaves me wondering, ‘is nothing sacred’? The cavalier attitude of playing fast and easy with someone else’s work… The author does all the heavy lifting; the research, interviews, the exhaustive leg-work essential to a credible story… Then someone like yourself swoops in; pilfers their work, shapes or arranges the author’s words or passages to fit their own needs, and accepts the platitudes (and donations) for inspiring people with words that are not yours. You are in Congress, Senator… Not College… The nerve of you; to call a portion of the American people takers… BUD ALLEN
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 22:36:34 +0000

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