Corn is one of the most sacred plants of the Americas, and also - TopicsExpress


Corn is one of the most sacred plants of the Americas, and also one of the most abused. Known as maize by Native Americans and Europeans (corn means grain or wheat in most European languages), this plant is one of the worlds most important cereal grains. Corn has been systematically cultivated in the Americas for at least 5000 years, and corn pollen grains have been found that were dated at 80,000 years old. Perhaps because of its antiquity, botanists cannot definitively identify the wild ancestor or ancestors of corn. Whatever its origin, what is significant is that in its present form Corn is totally dependent upon human cultivation for survival. Its seeds are too tightly enclosed in their husks to be dispersed by the wind, birds, or other non-human means. Left to itself, Corn will drop its ears to the ground, and produce many closely clustered plants, which will choke themselves to extinction. Corn needs the human being to plant it in the proper spacing. However, unlike the indigenous people who worked co-creatively with nature, corn plants today are subject to genetic engineering, and used for such toxic products as high-fructose corn syrup. In order to connect with the sacred tradition of maize, we are growing the Hopi Blue Corn at Terra Flora. Recently, as the moon grew full, the tassels burst forth with pollen, received by the corn silks below. It was time to prepare a new batch of corn flower essence, and renew our understanding of the healing message of this plant. Corn brings the integration of the Sky Father energy of the air and light, the tall linear alignment of above and below, with the enveloping and fertile rounded Earth Mother energy. Corn also works with the polarity of the individual and collective. As with all the grains and grasses, the wind-pollinated corn must be growing in a collectivity in order to be fertilized. Yet the individual corn plant has its own strong, well-rooted connection to the earth, and to the cosmic light above. Another way in which the corn attempts to integrate the collective and individual is in its seeding. The corn kernels develop on their tightly packed cobs, the very picture of urban density, yet in order to grow successfully they must find their individual places in the soil, with the help of human intention. Thus Corn helps us to walk in balance between Heaven and Earth, to marry the linearity of masculine strength with the encircling warmth of feminine embrace and to find our individual spiritual grounding within the collectivity of our many relations. As it clarifies our vertical spiritual alignment, Corn nurtures our horizontal social relationships. The Great Mother “Maize” teaches us to love one another as we love Heaven and Earth. The message of Corn is particularly helpful in our crowded urban environments, where we can feel disconnected from the earth, and from each other. Corn flower essence is available here: fesflowers/fes-store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_71&products_id=127
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 20:58:31 +0000

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