Corner stone with John Haggi, guest speaker Glenn Beck, - TopicsExpress


Corner stone with John Haggi, guest speaker Glenn Beck, Washington submit When George Washington put his hand in the Bible he added soul help me God, and then he said We are all going to church. then they walked down the street it was the little church it was the only church that was standing across the street from the World Trade Center and in that church they knelt at the altar he prayed for 4 hours and he made a covenant our covenant. You will be our God and we will be your people.About 3 years ago Glenn Beck talked to Peter Lovak and said. ( I think that George Washington knew that we would be the key to the restorations of Israel) Peter is a great scholar of George Washington he knows everything about him. He said that you cant make a case, Glenn said I think I can, please look for me. He came back to me about 6 months later, he has put a book out with that case we were established for that purpose for the establishment for Israel. Now the question is are we done now or not. Are markings art all over, take out a dollar bill and look at it look at the Great Seal of the United States between the wingspan of the eagle you will see the star of David there are 13 stars because the Star of David is there because of Heim Soulamen who gave everything for our freedom, but that is not all. If you look at the Dollar you will see especially in color you will notice that there is a white ring around it then there is a yellow ring around it the white almost looks white clouds because it is. The white represents how God had the clouds by day that led Israel out of Egypt. The yellow ring represents the fire by night leading Israel to a place of milk and honey in all of our institutions in all of our government there was a great seal the first seal of the United States was given by Benjamin Franklins it was the parting of the red sea And the pillar by a fire that was going to be our symbol we understood the God of Israel from the very beginning we need a covenant with Him Everything the Statue of Liberty we focus on the torch it was Miss interpreted by Michael Angelo we need to focus on her leg she has a broken chain around her ankle we broke away from slavery okay we can say it was the year 1875 civil war has broken out this is true the Statue of Liberty was a gift and a monument given to Abraham Lincoln. We broke slavery and there are some other things in there what are they trying to say ok the chain that was broken is broken from slavery but look what is she holding in her hands it is two stones of the Law that she holds. The Ten commandments if you look at the crown you will see it is not a crown but raise of light it was Miss interpreted it is Scriptural it is Miss interpreted by Michael Angelo Years and years ago when he made Moses he has horns why does he have horns? Miss interpretation of Scripture Michael Angelo mis interpret horns for raise of light , now me I would not say that I think I better check it out can we Google that but if you look at the statue in Rome he has. Horns and the Statue of Liberty has a crown that should be rays of light I know that this is pure conjecture and I know that the Lord works in mysterious ways is it a coincidence that when our country got its act together and broke the back of slavery it was done by a man named Abraham! We live in fantastic times in times of profound darkness or unbelievable glorious light but it will be up to us choose you today who will you serve the answer is very simple in 2nd Timothy it says this is how you are going to know how bad it really is 2 Timothy 3:1 but no this that in the last days perilous times will come For men will be lovers of themselves lovers of money boasters proud, blasphemers disobedient to parents un thankful unholy unloving unforgiving slanderous without self control brutal despisers of good traitors headstrong haughty lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God has the form of godliness but denying its power And from such people turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and mate captives of gullible women loaded down with sins lead away by various Lust always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth now as James and Jambres resisted Moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds disapporoved concerning the faith but they will progress no further,for their folly will be manifest to all, as their also was. But you have carefully followed My DOCTRINE manner of life purpose faith long-suffering love perseverance persecution affliction.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 23:16:19 +0000

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