Cornerstone Word! MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN... My fellow - TopicsExpress


Cornerstone Word! MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN... My fellow Americans what a great act of disrespect and ungratefulness have we committed before the Holy One of the Heavens! We have left our first love. We have allowed and still allow His name to be taken out of everything. We have allowed His name to be taken out of schools, He is no longer welcomed in our society nor some churches. We minimize the importance of holidays by implementing a rabbit to take the focus off of the cross, we have changed the name to Turkey Day because we are to ungrateful to say Thanks, shoot we even went as far as to have the audacity to say Xmas because it urchs us the have to mention Chirst... We have witnessed first hand and throughout history the power of God and His great mercy and magnificent grace. Yet we still spit in the face of the Most High God! This great country is now only great in name only. The power of this nation has been taken and given to another. And that nation has leased it to many. We are divided by those that worship elephants and donkeys. Yet the lamb that was slaughtered still bleeds in vain. The government is a cancer that needs to be cut out not voted. A piece of paper doesnt hold enough power to remove it. We... Why do I keep saying we you ask? Because we are all guilty in some shape or form... Yes there are those who are fighting, even now I fight and risk more than I know by posting this. But the rain falls and the sun shines on the just as well as the unjust. Gods anger has been tested for far to long and we are feeling it and dont even know it. There are more laws created to protect wickedness than there are to protect morality. Trannys, whores, homos, pedophiles, rapist, and murders are running rampid. But a Pastor that preaches against these things are thrown in jail. Somehow it was agreed upon that there should be a separation between church and state. The very thing that can help has been frowned upon. And far worse is that now we have a separation in the Church. Everyone wants to be the Pastor. Nobody wants to sit under leadership that challenges you to live after God. There should NOT be as many churches in the United States. Why is it that we have 10 churches on the same block sitting side by side... 10 different messages from the same God on 1 block. And many of the members, are members of each church. There is no commitment! We are treating Church as a buffet, as if you can just walk by and pick out what you like. You want to get the good out of every pan so that you can enjoy your meal and feel great about yourself. We are no longer united under God, no longer indivisible... No longer 1 nation. Instead we have allowed other Gods to be introduced into our society, our schools, and have allowed outsiders to build temples to serve and worship strange Gods and idols. We are divided by strange cultures, and have allowed other nations to pervert and pollute our ways. We have become so worried about offending other nations that we have committed a great offense to God!!! MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN!!!! #petey3.0 #signingoff
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 13:28:15 +0000

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