Cornwall Seaway News> News Published on December 22, - TopicsExpress


Cornwall Seaway News> News Published on December 22, 2014 PUCK BATTLE: City wants family to remove huge rink from their front lawn The Vincent family rink on Monaco Crescent CORNWALL, Ontario - A Cornwall family has been ordered by city hall to remove a huge hockey rink from their front lawn because it apparently contravenes municipal bylaws. The popular neighbourhood rink sits on the front lawn belonging to Brian and Laura Vincent on Monaco Crescent. The 30x50-foot rink is pimped out with boards that rise some 2.5 feet, covered with vinyl sheeting to protect them from pucks and the elements. Laura said the rink, which was erected last winter too, has become a hotspot for neighbourhood shinny players and hockey nuts looking to spend some quality time outdoors. There are about six or seven kids playing on it on any given day, she said in a phone interview. The din of young players could be heard in the background as she spoke. Sometimes a whole hockey team will show up for a practice. But that could all change by Jan. 5 if city hall gets its way. A couple of complaints against the rink have been filed by neighbours. The city is suggesting the rink is contravening a city right-of-way bylaw that prohibits structures from being built too close to city property and thoroughfares. They say its an obstruction, said Laura. But we drove around when we built it, just to make sure, and you can still see pavement. Laura added heer children went door-to-door in the neighbourhood seeking support from neighbours for the rink - but ran into a couple of property owners who want it removed. (The kids) were pretty upset, she said. The Vincents claim the rink is about 10 feet from the road, and arent sure what comes next. Laura said there is no appeal process, and with as much as a foot of ice in some places she doesnt know how the family can remove the rink at this point. The notice the couple received from the city suggests if the rink isnt removed by Jan. 5 the city will take it down - at the Vincents expense. The couple has leapt to social media to gain support for their plight - with many supporters sounding off against the city. A representative from the citys bylaw department was not immediately available for comment. Coun. David Murphy has spoken with both the Vincents and city administrators and suggested discussions could take place to find a happy medium. I would like to see the city allow them to leave it up for this winter, he said. With the understanding that next year they wont be able to do it. Murphy suggested as much as 40 per cent of the rink is impacting the citys right-of-way. He said the city got involved when it received a couple of complaints from residents. Murphy added the city reacts to complaints of this nature and doesnt go looking for these types of infractions. Recent comments Melanie coteDecember 22, 2014 - 15:59 wow, very disturbing that some neighbours would complain about this, it is insane, people willing to give up there own property and allow any and all kids to play on the rink and then the family to have to take it down because of some neighbours who dont approve, what is wrong with people these days, a family tries to do something nice for the kids and always someone who has to ruin it, the ones complaining should mind there own buisness.....its not like the kids are in your for the city they should allow this family to keep the rink up for this year and tell the few people complaining to bad, i know they have to deal with the complaints but still.....its a shame.....we are always saying how there isnt enough things for kids to do in this town then someone makes a rink for the kids with there own money on there own property and then gets this..... Reply Neil HylandDecember 22, 2014 - 15:56 Pathetic that some people have nothing better to do than complain about children playing. This rink doesnt appear to be hurting anyone. Reply Steve PerryDecember 22, 2014 - 15:34 I understand that some people on the street may not like this. But it is winter. Winter is hockey. Kids need a place to play. The city has cut back on outdoor rinks so when a private citizen does something like this they should be applauded not forced to take down the rink. Reply Steve PerryDecember 22, 2014 - 15:24 The city for the last many years has been cutting back on services from rinks to pools. If some guy in some neighbourhood wants to put up a rink on his front lawn...good for him. Reply Steve PerryDecember 22, 2014 - 15:10 What is the problem here? I private citizen willing to give up his or her time and property to let kids have fun. Gee I guess the city never thought of that one. Reply FrenchymanusDecember 22, 2014 - 15:04 This is why Dave was re-elected. He as the right answer. Maybe by are doing there job but I am sure they are not happy to deal with this type of complaint. I wish people would find better things to complaint about. I would rather see people enjoying the outdoors as winter can be long. Guaranty the complaint is not coming from people who enjoy the outdoors or kids. Hope Dave can have the councillor on his side and the new council can show how they feel about kids. Reply RobinDecember 22, 2014 - 14:47 simple: -run for city council - put a motion forward to change bylaw. - see if it passes. - in the meantime respect the law and take it down. Transcontinental Media G.P. 1100 Rene-Levesque Blvd. West, Montreal, QC H3B 4X9 (514) 392-9000 A TC Media site, Local Solutions Copyright TC Media © 2014 Use Policy Privacy Policy
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 21:31:17 +0000

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