Cornyn, you want to prove to me you are not a RINO? Heres your - TopicsExpress


Cornyn, you want to prove to me you are not a RINO? Heres your chance. I want to see your face on that Senate floor demanding a quorum call every time Reid tries to do anything. QUOTE: Republicans don’t have a nuclear option available, but they still have a few hand grenades. One that may be partially effective would be to insist on quorum calls for every vote. ... A quorum, in that august and honorable body, is “assumed” unless a vote is formally recorded. Many votes are by voice, and the actual count is irrelevant, made up by canvassing members’ staffs and later duly recording them in the Federal Register. If Republicans called for a quorum on every vote, and the Republican membership didn’t show up, it would at least force Democrats to push away from the campaign table, most of the time. .... “One reason is that if a quorum—51 Senators, assuming no vacancies—is not present on the floor, the opponent may instead simply take steps to trigger a live quorum call, and if a quorum does not respond, the Senate can only adjourn or take steps to secure the attendance of a quorum.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 07:29:19 +0000

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