Coronation Street viewers will be aware that taxi company boss - TopicsExpress


Coronation Street viewers will be aware that taxi company boss Steve McDonald is suffering from depression, however, he’s keeping his diagnosis a secret from everyone, and so when he approached Christmas with what seems to be an almost manic enthusiasm, his family are left both bemused and concerned. But in the New Year, Steve’s problems are set to take a dramatic turn when a mini-bus he’s driving crashes, leaving some of his friends and neighbours fighting for their lives. Simon Gregson – who plays Steve – has been speaking to ITV about what’s ahead for his character… Is Steve aware of how much he’s already over-spending on Christmas? He is getting very good at blocking things out, it is typical behaviour for someone going through what he is going through. Spending money becomes about the quick fix to make him feel better briefly and then he comes crashing down again. Is he worried about it? He is worried about how he is feeling but he is still refusing to do something about it. He knows spending the money is wrong but like everything else he pushes any conscious concerns about it out of his mind. How’s he going to feel when everyone finds out where the cash is coming from? Well we aren’t there yet – I think it will be ones of the things that makes him realise how bad things have got. Has anyone come close to helping him yet? The problem is they don’t know he needs help. He is very clever at letting people believe he is just having a mid-life crisis. They tried to help at the start but when he shut them out they just got very frustrated with him. Maybe someone not quite as close to him like Andrea could be the key. How is he feeling without Michelle? Again he is burying his feelings and shutting her out so he is trying to ignore the fact that he does still love her. He doesn’t feel he is worthy of anyone so it is easier just to be on his own. How do Michelle and Liz deal with how over the top he’s being? They are bemused and confused, Michelle is devastated by his rejection of her and she still can’t work out why he ended the relationship. It is a difficult time for everyone but Steve is so lost in the depression he isn’t really thinking about the effect he is having on the others. Why is he being so over the top? It is partly to try and make himself feel better and also partly to again put people off the scent but the extremes of behaviour are starting to really worry everyone. What about Amy? Does she realise something’s up? When it gets to Christmas Day even Amy realises her dad is behaving strangely and he has spent a fortune on her which is not normal behaviour. It is unsettling for Amy but he doesn’t see that, he just thinks it is the thing to do. Talk us through the fake snow malarkey… Steve has foolishly promised Amy everything on Christmas Day – even snow! When it gets to late in the day and it hasn’t snowed he asks Michelle to make it happen and they go upstairs to sprinkle fake snow out of the window. But sadly Michelle reads the wrong signal and in a moment of what she sees as closeness she assumes he wants to get back with her – he has to reject her which is awful. What will it take for Steve to seek help? It is going to take a huge crisis or event to make him finally admit what is going on, for it to be realistic it had to be a story that was told over a period of time not just rushed through. but we are starting to film the turning point for Steve. Do you enjoy filming Christmas scenes? Does it put you off real Christmas, or make it more exciting? By the time we get to our real Christmas it almost feels like Easter as we film so far ahead. We have been doing Christmas Corrie and Text Santa so it does feel like Christmas had been going on forever. It’s a good job there is a gap between the fictional Christmas and the real one otherwise none of us would want to eat our real Christmas dinner or see another decoration again! The bus crash is in the pipeline, what do you make of what’s in store? We have already started to film it and it is looking fantastic. This is the turning point for Steve and it is very cleverly done. The stunt is great, it is being filmed across 3 weeks and there is a real buzz about it. How’s Steve’s New Year looking at this point? embargo 16 dec coronation street steve It will be a year of ups and downs for Steve – it is not going to be a quick fix recovery for him and that is the right way to do it. Are viewers set to be shocked by what happens to him? I think people were surprised that Steve was the one at the centre of this storyline but we have had some great feedback. Steve is a comedy character but that is why it is important to show that even the least likely people can be hit by depression. The mini bus crash is shocking but it is a real wake up call for Steve…
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 12:21:05 +0000

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