Corporate +Community +Government +Religion Cooperative social - TopicsExpress


Corporate +Community +Government +Religion Cooperative social welfare model (CCGRC Model) The ancient and eternal messages of our Vedas is Love All Serve All, Help Ever Hurt Never, Samasthah Loka Sukhino Bhavanthu, Om Shanti Shnati Shantihi. In the Indian scenario and context the above messages have lost its significance to a vast extent, except to pockets where even now these messages are practiced. Naxalites, Terrorism, Communalism, Ecological destruction, Pollution, Tsunami are the diseases which affect the entire populace when the ancient messages practice in thought, word and deed is eroded. Even in such a dire state India with its rich Morale values and the various Masters and Noble people have in some extent carrying out genuine welfare model aimed at establishing full peace, happiness to all. The Religious institutions like TTD, Shankar Mutts, Ramakrishna Missions, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organizations, Jain Organizations, Mother Theresa Institutions, Tata Foundations, Birla Foundations, Infosys Foundation, Premji Foundation assisted by host of warm hearted NGOs are carrying out very sincere works at all levels, but the work is to vast which needs more support, co-ordination and the sincere Government support and Community help. The first and fore most step in this is setting up a (CMA) Central Monitoring Agency, which will have a umbrella of various organisations which will work in tune with this monitoring agency. This monitoring agency will chart out the various programmes needed for that particular district, the organizations strong in those areas will undertake these projects fully implement it and they will inturn set up a trained community maintenance cell which will monitor this efficiently. The CMA will be a fully Co-operative agency fully backed by government and public. The Government will play a very crucial role of active catalyst agent by clearing the relevant files, core financial support, and fully it will avoid political maneuvers and mesmerism. Second important step is identifying the core areas where in the above agencies can do the best co-operative work, and for the Indian context they are as follows: 1. Free Education with high moral values, character building at all levels with free food. 2. Ecological strengthening of the village, town, city and forests. 3. Free health to all. 4. Eradication of the vices and social evils of lottery, gambling, drinking etc. 5. The decent housing with clean toilet, drinking water to all. 6. Welfare of the birds, animals, cows, cattles, etc. 7. Gandhian Rural development model. 8. Women empowerment and social welfare models 9. Unity, Harmony in diversity. 10. Optimum and full utilisation of manpower with the full eradication of beggars, etc. 11. Public + Corporate+ Government controlled and monitoring bodies, through co-operative and privatization leading to Total Ethical Management 12. Other Miscellaneous. Now after arriving at the priorities let us see how this can be practically put into practice. The State of Karnataka and Bangalore will be taken for this empirical study where some of the above how it can be put into practices. Education: Only education, which is free and with strong moral values alone can build a very strong nation. Let us take Bangalore , we have many Government schools which lacks the proper infrastructure, etc. So a public trust will be formed in name of that school, various organizations will pool in the money and these schools will be strengthened at all levels so that the elite, upper middle income who shun these schools will also come and admit their kids here. There will be no fees, but those rich, etc. can donate money to the trust. Infosys can give a token amount of say 1 crore as salary for teachers, Wipro can give some 1 crore for infrastructure, etc. Government deposit at one tome some 1 crore for the feeding etc. Thus each trust will be fully strengthened and with the deposit money interest and others token donation the schools to run. The Government can set up a Educational Parks each of 50 cares in all the four directions and in this parks the congested, crowded various schools will be allotted lands to build up the schools there. The higher education like college, diplomas, job oriented skill based education all to be covered under the free education scheme. Take for e.g. IIMs, the candidate gets a job of minimum 8 lakhs per year or an engineering student gets Rs.20,000 per month. Each college will have a trust and the respective students who gout from this institute will give for one year 50% of their salary as contribution and the Government on its part for one year will not charge any income tax from this professionals. Thus once a stable amount is created as corpus fund than the choice is left for the students to contribute whatever they feel. The moral values if they are taught well than the concept of charity, sharing wealth will be very high in them and thus establishing All India free Education at all levels is never a problem. Infact the highest morality we will have reached in education when even the Prospectus will be given free. The corporates and others are welcome to set up and fund various departments, hostels, library etc. One thing which strictly has to be incorporated is the values based education, moral values, ethics, ecological component which all should be made compulsory to any branch of study including Medicine. The full abolition of capitation fees, tuitions, students elections, senate elections, etc. Professional and real educationists alone to monitor the system and the full non interference by any politicians. The bulky and overloaded university to be slimmed and strong by giving more autonomy to strong educational institutes like E.G. R.V Institutions, Kempe Gowda Institutions, PES institutions, etc. Ecology: The saying of the great Mahatma there is sufficient resources for all but not to fulfill his greed is the truth which has to be incorporated in dealing with this core issue. Our greed is ruining our ecology and so our united role is a must in dealing with this situation. For e.g. take Bangalore City, how to make it green, clean, eco-friendly is the question. Take for example the area called Girinagar, Avalahalli, etc. One eco-foundation will be established which will be A to Z involved in all this matters of environment. They will first go to each streets and compulsory in front of each house will plant two bird friendly trees, they will advise the house owners how to maintain it, where to get the fertilizers etc. They will give to each house three Bio Degradable covers educate them how to use it, in one cover the Bio wastes, in another recyclable waste the third which has to be burnt. The Rag pickers and other unemployed will be employed by this foundation who will from each street collect these wastes. In Bangalore specific and modern plants will be set up where each day the bio wastes will be used to produce bio-fertilizers and the recycles wastes will be processed and in the last it will be incinerated. Now in Bangalore it is common the dustbins still exist, and the most unscientific way of mixing all wastes and taking it in one van is done. In the new process from each area three separate vans will take the three waste separately. The eco-foundation will visit each house and compulsory they will see that some 5 to 10% of site area is de-cemented and some greenery to be planted, because each house should have the open area which will absorb rain water and enrich ground water, now in many houses not even a drop of rain water can go in like that they have cemented. The eco-foundation will advise on various aspects of energy saving, water conservation techniques, they will pay money to borewell owners ask them to close it and instead they will establish in each street one community borewell and through it supply water to all that street residents, because each house has a borewells and thus massive over extraction is taking place. The eco-foundation will also work out the vehicle population and come up with steps to reduce the vehicle pollution in those areas through more pooling, route autos, cycles etc. Similarly in villages and towns the foundations made and using the untapped vast human potential we can create a very green and clean environment Health: Though there are government hospitals, health centres for giving free service, it is very much missing, for there is vast mis- management, corruption. So what is needed here is the Co-operative management initiated in running all this Government health centres and also in establishing newer ones. The Sri Sathya Sai Trusts, Jain Associations can be associated with this venture for they are known to run the best free hospitals, by incorporating their ideals we will be able to provide quality free health to all. For e.g. take Girinagar itself it will have one big hospital and minimum 5 free primary health centres. Each health centre will cater to a fixed some people of that area, they will be given special cards, identity cards etc. and with that they will go have their check up all free. A Central Trust will be there where one can donate money as corpus fund. The health centres will have all branches allopathic, ayurveda, homeopathy, pranic healing, Reiki etc. Everybody have noticed that often Help Column Comes in paper, where somebody poor asking for money for some surgery, if really we had an healthy system the most poor should without and pain, instantly get any operation free. What can be done for example is in Bangalore we have some big and small government hospitals, take for example the Vani Vailas Hospital, this hospital made into a public Trust hospital, where in the Government + Some Corporates and some Socio Religious Trust like Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust can be involved. One of the best free medical service is provided by the Sri Sathya Sai Trusts which can be a role model for other such health centres. Eradication of Vices: This work to be done the maximum effort has to come from the Government , for they have to initiate the primary steps, but the associations what they can do is take for e.g. any area the bar and restaurant should be located in a very interior bylane and surrounding it there should be no buildings. So on a 100 feet by 100 feet land, with 10 feet compound the restaurants/bars etc. Each area the public can conduct an election and if majority is no, then there will be no bar and restaurant, similarly the lottery, guthka etc. The Government if at all they have an ounce of real love for its citizens atleast ban the arrack all over India with immediate effect, because the poor after working sop hard the money they squander and put themselves and family in great disasters. The various economic /social problems from banning arrack can be analysed by experts and solutions worked out. One should thank the Governments of Gujarat irrespective who is in power they have maintained it a dry state and that is why the reason Gujarat is one of the model states. Rural development Model 1) Each village should be encircled with minimum 100 meters wide Green cover that is planted with good trees, whose produce will be used by the villagers. This social forestry will be maintained by the villagers. 2) Amul, Trusteeship, Co-operative and Self help Groups all should exist in each rural area. 3) Like any village all farmers should for one or two trusts/self help groups, cultivate as a team the land and depending upon the contribution holdings share the profits. 4) Each village should be made self sufficient based on Gandhian ideals like: • Group of youths, women will set up for the entire village organic, compose, earthworm based fertilizers. They will produce sufficient natural fertilizers and distribute it to all. • A second set of youths/women will be indulged in running up Rural infrastructure like electricity (solar/wind/bio-gas, etc.), They will maintain the rural water supply, drip irrigation, etc. They will be indulged in laying pucca roads, telecom, etc. • Each village will be made a model, like each house to be situated on say minimum 30 X 40 site or bigger, it should be on all sides planted with good trees, flower gardens. The villages all should have sanitary the all wastes will be pooled in one big pit and made bio gas for street lights. • Each village will have one common Milk Dairy, the villagers all cows will be kept in one big Go-shala, this go-shala will be say some 3 acres or so with natural grass, plus cows fed with good food, running water channels for them to drink water. The cow urine/Sagani will be processed for fertilizers. Each day group of youths whose duty is dairy will milk the cow as per each house needs they will distribute it remaining they will sell it to cities. • The village should also have its own Khadi/Rural Handloom where in all their clothing’s they should themselves produce. • Similarly basic all needs they should produce, only some special items they should import it from cities. • Each village will have one model school upto 10th or more and apart from value based education they will be trained in some arts/skills so that they will become self employable. Only those extreme desire for higher education should go to cities, Now simply every body from rural areas come and want some degree and easy city life which should be halted. • The village roads to be lined on both sides with good trees, flower plants. • Except for Doordarshan villages maximum avoid all other channels as they corrupt the mind. • A model village will have all housing at one place, little outskirts the market area, surrounded by greenery the School, training centres, community halls, etc. • Each day spirituality practices and preached, good films of great leaders shown weekly once in the village community halls, speeches by good leaders, etc. • Each village should strictly implement no drinks, no guthka, no lottery. The non-veg eating people of the village they collect at one place outskirts and eat it. 5) Each village will have agreement with Good Companies like AMUL, ITC, SAFAL, etc. so that the excess produce is sold to them or jointly they will cultivate the land depending upon the markets needs. 6) Each village will be very clean, hygiene, fresh smelling, etc. Depending upon the conditions compulsorily trees like coconut, karbevu, Nuggekaiye, Mango, Jackfruit, Nallikayi, Hunasekayi etc. trees maximum planted. 7) The village also in small scale process some good produce and under their village brand name sell it to markets, they make very very hygiene high quality produce like pappads, pickles, etc. Each village will have very unique tourist home that is on one care land with full greenery, inside a cottage with say some 10 rooms, the bathrooms hot water will be through Hande, food on banana leaves, etc.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 10:01:31 +0000

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