Corporate media is Zionist controlled. It is totally biased. When - TopicsExpress


Corporate media is Zionist controlled. It is totally biased. When I say totally, I mean exactly that - it is not 99% biased; it is 100% biased! You see there is no possible chance the mass-media can be any more biased than it is. One simply has to come to terms with this for failing to do so inevitably results in reaching or arriving at erroneous conclusions. Almost to a fault the truth is never told. Yet though such a claim can understandably be looked upon as the ultimate nail in the coffin for any media outlet, incredibly this serious anomaly merely scratches the surface of the dire predicament were in due to the fact a handful of Zionists control the flow of information! Today my aim is to highlight some examples of just how the public is duped other than through corporate medias penchant for lies. Example 1 - fair play to RT for breaking into the Zionist stranglehold of mainstream media. This is the only news outlet on TV that offers an alternative view to the 6 major media conglomerates, yet they scream blue murder. Why are they making such a fuss? For the world it seems they dont want any competition! How can that be good for us? Case in point - just the other day RT launched a UK TV channel & already authorities here are threatening to revoke its license. Why? Because its coverage over Ukraine is biased!!! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Did you know for years CNN had an outlet in the Russian cable networks? Now Im not saying RT is unbiased because its impossible for any media outlet not to have some bias. However, I cannot think of one genuine fact the BBC or CNN has ever uttered regarding Ukraine - not one! RT on the other hand presented what I felt was a perfectly reasonable account of what was occurring in Ukraine. Lavelles Cross Talk regularly had experts on both sides of the argument - this NEVER occurs on Zionist controlled media. You only ever hear one argument there. Yet Abby Martin on her show Breaking the Set actually criticized Russia for the way they took over Crimea. However, even though she criticized Putin, I believe unfairly so, she nevertheless remains at her post! This is in direct contrast to what occurs in the mass-media ...... & Im talking about some of the greatest newsreaders & journalists ever whove lost their jobs. Squeaky clean Dan Rather, 23 years CBS front-man, dumped because he criticized GW Bush; John Pilger, one of finest investigative reporters ever has had a blanket boycott imposed on him because he dared to speak the truth about the illegal war in Iraq & how the US military was mowing down hoards of innocent Iraqi civilians; Emmy award winner Amber Lyons was shown the back door at CNN when she spoke out; even legendary talk show host Phil Donahue, 26 years in the job, found himself out in the cold. Make no mistake, in corporate media the formulas a simple one - kiss Zionist arse like Sean Hannity & Bill OReilly & you will be well paid; step out of line & you will be on your bike! Thanks to Alis Castano for this link.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 18:28:54 +0000

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