Corporate media is Zionist controlled. It is totally biased. When - TopicsExpress


Corporate media is Zionist controlled. It is totally biased. When I say totally, I mean exactly that - it is not 99% biased; it is 100% biased! You see there is no possible chance the mass-media can be any more biased than it is. One simply has to come to terms with this for failing to do so inevitably results in reaching or arriving at erroneous conclusions. Almost to a fault the truth is never told. Yet though such a claim can understandably be looked upon as the ultimate nail in the coffin for any media outlet, incredibly this serious anomaly merely scratches the surface of the dire predicament were in due to the fact a handful of Zionists control the flow of information! Today my aim is to highlight some examples of just how the public is duped other than through corporate medias penchant for lies. Example 3 - do not think corporate medias not involved here. Sure, this is hardly their work but theyre very much part of this particular coup. Here is a Zionist trademark. Remember Mossads motto - By way of deception, thou shalt do war. Well here it is on a plate! It is imperative one recognizes the entire apparatus thats at work here - who has the ability to do this; who owns the media & above all, who is gaining from all this mayhem - BY WAY OF DECEPTION, THOU SHALT DO WAR! Before 9/11 a report surfaced. It more or less stated the problem for Zionist war-mongers, bankers & Neo-Cons was it would be difficult to pursue their agenda. Why? BECAUSE THERE WAS LITTLE OR NO THREAT OF TERRORISM!........ Did you get that? Think about this. Before 9/11 there was no terror threat! Get this into your head! I believe Donald Rumsfeld originally revealed this, though Im not sure........ Yes. Arabs & Muslims were pissed off - Israel escaping admonishment for the mass-murder of Palestinians, the continuous theft of land, forever they stuck two fingers up to the international community! But with Israel tooled up with all the firepower under the sun, along with their nukes & the unconditional support of America, no one would ever dream of attacking them! So, what happened - Arabs, Muslims & may I say, the vast majority of countries, merely expressed their disapproval at the way Israel went about its business..... AND THAT WAS IT! The only terrorism that existed was Israeli terrorism! So how the hell could they carry on as they were? Even though their media lied pathologically - THEY ARE KILLING OUR VIMIN & OUR CHILDREN. 1000s OF HAMAS ROCKETS; VE VUNT PEACE BUT THEY VUNT TO VIPE US OFF THE MAP - all that bollocks continued night & day yet it was nowhere near enough. If the Zionists were serious about their plan to create Greater Israel then they had to somehow convince the world there existed a genuine terrorist threat courtesy of Arabs & Muslims. Time for a catastrophic, catalyzing event! The only people that could have got away with 9/11 were those who controlled both US politicians & significantly, the entire mass-media. Whether you like it or not, Zionists were the real terrorists behind 9/11. Of course we were told that nobody knew anything an hour before the attack yet an hour after the Zionists were out in force blaming Islamic fundamentalists as if they had a goddamn crystal ball! And to this day it continues - ISIS is a mercenary band of cut-throat killers founded & funded by Zionists, yet the media portray them as this terrible Islamic terrorist threat. No one ever says - strange how they never attack Israel! In order to lend credence to this myth, as well as pour oil on the fire, actors posing as lunatic Islamists do the very last thing Muslims should do - alienate ordinary folk! The big giveaway is we never get to hear about who these vermin really are. The media simply say - here, look at these crazy religious freaks who want to kill you & then never mention them again! By way of deception, thou shalt do war! This is why I say, in order to get to the truth, initially one must have a fundamental understanding of the entire situation. Corporate media is Zionist controlled & totally biased. Theyve the resources, the money, the power, the influence! Yet the evidence is there for all to see. Israel embraces Apartheid policies. It is without a shadow of doubt the most evil, brutal regime, one that openly displays scant disregard for international law. If there was a contest for the greatest liars in history, a Gold medal would be totally & utterly inappropriate. You see the Zionist margin of victory here is so enormous even a medal made of Platinum would appear wholly inadequate.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 20:48:50 +0000

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