Corpus Christi Thursday Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, - TopicsExpress


Corpus Christi Thursday Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Explanation party Corpus Christi is the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This day we remember the institution of the Eucharist which took place on Holy Thursday at the Last Supper, Jesus to turn bread and wine into his Body and his Blood. It is a very important festival because the Eucharist is the greatest gift that God has given us, moved by his wanting to stay with us after the Ascension. Origin of the party: God used St. Juliana of Mont Cornillon to promote this event. The saint was born in Retines near Liège, Belgium in 1193. Orphan He was very small and was educated by the Augustinian nuns at Mont Cornillon. When I grew up, made his religious profession and later became superior of the community. For various intrigues had to leave the convent. He died on April 5, 1258, in the house of the Cistercian nuns at Fosses and was buried in Villiers. Juliana, from Young, had a great veneration for the Blessed Sacrament. And always longed for a special feast in his honor had. This desire is said to have increased by a vision she had of the Church under the appearance of a full moon with a black spot, meaning the absence of this solemnity. She showed him her ideas to Robert Thorete, then bishops of Liège, also the learned Dominican Hugh, later Cardinal legacy of the Netherlands; Jacques Pantaleon, at that time archdeacon of Liege, afterwards Bishop of Verdun, Patriarch of Jerusalem and finally to Pope Urban IV. Bishop Robert favorably impressed and at that time the bishops had the right to ordain feasts for their dioceses, summoned a synod in 1246 and ordered the celebration had next year; Pope also ordered that a monk named John should write the office for the occasion. The decree is preserved in Binterim (Denkwürdigkeiten, VI 276), along with some parts of the job. Bishop Robert did not live to see the fulfillment of your order, and who died on October 16, 1246, but the party was held for the first time by the canons of St. Martin in Liège. Jacques Pantaleon became Pope on August 29, 1261.s Eve hermit, with whom Juliana had spent time and who was also a fervent worshiper of the Holy Eucharist, he insisted Henry of Guelders, Bishop of Liège, to ask the Pope to extend the celebration to the entire world. Urban IV, always being an admirer of this feast, published the Bull Transiturus on September 8, 1264, in which, after having extolled the love of our Savior expressed in the Holy Eucharist, ordered the solemnity was held Corpus Christi on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, while granting many indulgences to the faithful to attend Mass and to the office. This office is composed of the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas, at the request of the Pope, is one of the most beautiful in the Roman breviary and has been admired even by Protestants. The death of Pope Urban IV (the October 2, 1264), shortly after the publication of the decree, the party hindered from spreading. But Pope Clement V took matters into their hands and the General Council of Vienna (1311), once again ordered the adoption of this party. Published a new decree incorporating the Urban IV. John XXII, successor of Clement V, urged compliance. None of the decree speaks of the procession with the Blessed Sacrament as an aspect of the celebration. However, these processions were endowed with indulgences by Martin V and Eugene IV Papas and became quite common from the fourteenth century. The party was accepted in Cologne in 1306; Worms adopted it in 1315; in Strasburg in 1316. was introduced in England between 1320 and Belgium 1325. In the United States and other countries solemnity celebrated on Sunday after Trinity Sunday. In the Greek Church the feast of Corpus Christi is known in the calendars of the Syrians, Armenians, Copts, Melkites and rutinios of Galicia, Calabria and Sicily. The Council of Trent declares that pious and religiously was introduced into the Church of God the custom that every year certain holiday this sublime and venerable sacrament with singular reverence and solemnity is celebrated and reverently and with honor is carried in procession the streets and public places. In this Christians testify their gratitude and remembrance for so ineffable and truly divine benefit, on the victory and triumph of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is made present again. Source: The miracle of Bolsena In the thirteenth century, the German priest, Peter of Prague, stopped at the Italian town of Bolsena while on a pilgrimage to Rome. He was a pious priest, but then doubted the real presence of Christ in the consecrated Host. When was celebrating Mass at the tomb of Santa Cristina, to pronounce the words of consecration, blood started coming out of the consecrated Host and splashed his hands, the altar and the corporal. The priest was confused. Wanted to hide the blood, but could not. Interrupted the Mass and went to Orvieto, where Pope Urban IV was residing. The Pope listened to the priest and sent emissaries to do research. Faced with the certainty of the event, the Pope ordered the bishop of the diocese carry Orvieto the Host and body with drops of blood. A procession of archbishops, cardinals and some Church authorities was organized. A procession, joined the Pope and placed the Host in the Cathedral. Currently, the body with blood stains reverently exhibited in the Cathedral of Orvieto. Since then, thousands of pilgrims and tourists visit the Church of Santa Cristina to know where the miracle occurred. In August 1964, seven years after the institution of the feast of Corpus Christi, Pope Paul VI celebrated Mass at the altar of the Cathedral of Orvieto. Twelve years later, the Pope visited Bolsena and spoke on television for the International Eucharistic Congress. He said the Eucharist was a wonderful and endless mystery. Mexican traditions of Corpus Christi This traditional festival dates back to 1526. Was customary to worship the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral in Mexico. The center of the festival was the solemn celebration of Mass, followed by a grand procession started from the Zocalo, in which the Holy Eucharist, carried by the Archbishop under a canopy, was escorted by colonial authorities, council, guilds, military, clergy and people. There was also alluding theater, music and special vintage. Farmers brought their mules in some fruits of their harvest to offer to God as a sign of gratitude. This gave rise to a great fair that gathered craftsmen and traders from different directions of the country, bringing goods by mule (fruit of the season and crafts carrying in crates). They say that a man named Ignacio, had doubts about his priestly vocation and Corpus Thursday asked Jesus to send him a signal. Skip to face the Blessed Sacrament in procession Ignacio Ignacio thought, If God was present there until the mules would kneel and in that moment, the man knelt mule. Ignacio interpreted this as a sign and gave his life to God in the priesthood and devoted himself forever to pass on to others the riches of the Eucharist. This is how the mules made from dried banana leaves with small crates of coconut candy or fruit of various sizes arose. Wear a mule on the lapel or buy a mule to decorate the house, it means that, like the mule Ignacio, kneel before the Eucharist, recognizing in it the presence of God. This festival is held every year on the Thursday after Trinity. It takes place in the Cathedral and children dress in inditos to thank the infinite tenderness of Jesus. Sold mulitas colorfully. If you want to share with us some tradition of Corpus Christi in your country contact us Different ways to celebrate this holiday To participate in the procession of the Blessed The procession with the Blessed Sacrament is to make a grateful public and multitudinous of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist tribute. It is customary to take the Blessed Sacrament in procession through the streets and squares or within the parish or church to affirm the mystery of God with us in the Eucharist. This practice helps the core values of the Catholic faith are accentuated with real and personal presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The Holy Hour It is a practical and very beautiful to worship the Blessed Sacrament way. It consists of making a small evangelical reflection in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament and in the end, special litanies are said to show our love to Jesus. You can celebrate it formally with the Blessed Sacrament exposed in the monstrance, with incense and chants, or informally with the Host in the Tabernacle. Either ways like Jesus. It begins with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament or, alternatively, with an opening prayer to Jesus Christ being all kneeling before the tabernacle. Then proceed to the reading of a passage from the Gospel and the commentary thereon by any of the participants. Then we reflect worshiping Jesus, King of the Universe, in the Eucharist. It ends with the Summons and corresponding litanies, and in the event that the Eucharistic Hour has been made before the Blessed Sacrament solemnly exposed, the priest gives the benediction; otherwise, the Holy Hour with a prayer of thanksgiving known terminates. Family Remember what the Eucharist What is the Eucharist? The Eucharist is one of the seven sacraments. We remember the time when the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. This is food for the soul. Just as our body needs to eat to live, our souls need communion to be healthy. Christ said: He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him on the last day. What helps us the Eucharist? We all want to be good, to be holy and we realize that the path to holiness is not easy, it is not enough to achieve our human strength. We need divine power of Jesus. This will only be possible with the Eucharist. At communion, we can feel others because Christ will live in us. Can we say with St. Paul: I live, but no longer I, but Christ who lives in me. What part of the Mass the Eucharist is performed? After praying the Creed, are performed: the offertory, consecration and communion. Offertory: The moment the priest offers to God the bread and wine that will be converted into the Body and Blood of Christ. We can offer you, with love, our whole life to God in this part of the Mass. Consecration: Is the time of the Mass that God, through the priest turns the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. At this time we kneel as a sign of love and worship Jesus, God made man, who is present in the Eucharist. Communion: Eucharist is to receive Christ in our soul, which produces certain effects on us: unites us to Christ and to his Church, binds Christians together, feeds our soul, increase in us the life of grace and friendship with God, forgives venial sins, strengthens us to resist temptation and not commit mortal sin. What conditions does the Church to receive communion? The Church asks us two conditions to receive communion: Being grace, with all our soul clean mortal sin. Meet the Eucharistic fast: do not eat anything an hour before receiving Communion. How often can I receive the Sacramental Communion? The Church recommends receiving Communion Mass whenever we visit. Required to receive Communion at least once a year at the time of Easter, which are 50 days between Easter Sunday and Pentecost Sunday. What to do after Communion? It is recommended to take the opportunity to platicarle God, our Lord, all we want: what pleases us, what we care about; thank him for all the good that he has given us; tell him how much we love him and we want to do his will; ask you to help us and to all men; offer every act we do in our lives. What to do when you can not go to Communion? You can perform a spiritual communion. This is to receive Jesus in your heart, pray the following prayer: I think, my Jesus, you are truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and desire earnestly welcome you into my soul, but not being able to do it sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. Stay with me and not let me be parted from you. Amen
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 02:54:28 +0000

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