Correct me if I am right!!! MH17 carrying 293 passengers and 15 - TopicsExpress


Correct me if I am right!!! MH17 carrying 293 passengers and 15 crew members made up of mostly about two-thirds of Dutch as well as other European, Australian and American citizens is brought down in Ukraine by suspected Pro-Russian separatist. Vladimir Putin and Russia takes the blame and the United State pushes for more international sanctions on Russia. Current death toll in Gaza has reached over 1000 Palestinians mostly innocent civilian men, women and children and on the Israeli side about 40 soldiers and two civilians. US reacts: The United state recognises and support the right of Israel to defend it self and its territory. As I see it, My Vegetarian friends have something to be proud about. I cant imagine 1000 animals in Europe or America being killed in similar fashion and there is not a protest in Berlin, London, Paris, Amsterdam, New York, or Washington. in the words of Michael killing 1000 dogs and cats in Europe and America It will lead to world war 111 When did the life of western animals become more valuable than Gazans? #gaza #palestine #truth #obama #israel
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 20:47:25 +0000

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