Correct me if I am wrong (Eric Fuchs, Tessa Marler, Madison - TopicsExpress


Correct me if I am wrong (Eric Fuchs, Tessa Marler, Madison Baker), but I just read in the Rural Missouri magazine an article from Brian Klippenstein who is for Amendment 1, and in this article he states, and I quote In my lifetime, farmers have increased food production almost threefold. In American, half the dairy cows produce more than twice the milk using 40 percent less feed per unit of milk, and five hogs produce the same amount of pork previously produced by eight. So, I understand this to mean that they are putting some kind of unhealthy something (steroids perhaps?) into that feed to get these bigger numbers/results??? Correct me if I am wrong please, but if not steroids or something unhealthy, than what is causing more production from the same amount of livestock and/or less feed??? This is what he says farmers need protection from, us naysayers who might be concerned about this kind of practice. I am one of those naysayers and I will definitely vote no on amendment 1.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 19:18:11 +0000

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