Corrected Statement Cat jumps out of bag Omar Abdullah exposed - TopicsExpress


Corrected Statement Cat jumps out of bag Omar Abdullah exposed on Dixon Plan while advocating communal division of J&K on Irish style Prof. Bhim Singh, Chief Patron of National Panthers Party and Member of National Integration Council issued the following statement reacting strongly on the anti-national remarks made by J&K Chief Minister. “The National Conference has been working for the implementation of the outrageous and communal Dixon Plan right from day one in 1951 while acting as a tool of the Anglo-American Bloc to destabilize India via Kashmir. Dixon Plan was flouted by a Jewish Judge of the Australian High Court who was appointed by the Anglo-American Bloc on behalf of the Security Council to bail out Pakistan from its obligation to implement UN Resolution dated 13th August, 1948 asking Pakistan to vacate all occupied territories of J&K including the so-called ‘Azad Kashmir’ (4,500 sq. miles) as well as entire Gilgit-Baltistan region (28,000 sq. miles) and hand over the occupied territories to the Indian Army. Pakistan had defied the UN Resolution on several accounts. The Anglo-American Bloc intended to invent a new strategy to bail out Pakistan from this obligation. The Jewish Judge of the Australian High Court, Owen Dixon had proposed a communal division of the State. The Dixon Plan reflected the substance of the communal division of Ireland in 1922. Ireland was split into two; a sovereign state of South Ireland having Catholic majority was established as a Catholic State in 1982. Northern Ireland, having majority Protestants remained under the loose control of United Kingdom. It was a communal division between the Churches which have adverse effects on the politics of Great Britain. The other day the Chief Minister of J&K made a wild statement suggesting that Irish Plan should be applied to the State of J&K. This statement deserved total condemnation by every nationalist party and thinker. Besides the Chief Minister has committed a grave criminal offence in violating the ethics and provisions of the oath of office which he has made to uphold unity, integrity and sovereignty of India. The Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah should be brought to justice without any leniency for challenging the integrity of India by preaching secession. He has taken up the board which his grandfather had relinquished in 1975 by signing an Agreement with Mrs.Gandhi’s government to accept the Accession unconditional. The Chief Minister had challenged the Accession which is now a part of the history and any challenge to it amounts to sedition. The Chief Minister of J&K should mind that Ireland in 1922 was a separate country and not part of United Kingdom. It was partitioned to please the Protestants, Christians and Catholics to give Catholics a separate Ireland with Dublin as its capital. Northern Ireland the Protestants majority chose for United Kingdom a Protestant-Christian State. He should also know the history of J&K that J&K was part of India since ages. J&K acceded to the Union of India in 1947 and merged as its Constituent like other 556 states. Calling for Irish formula to divide J&K is an Act of treason and Omar Abdullah cannot escape the criminal liability for the offence he has committed.” Prof.Bhim Singh said that Govt. of J&K has been ruling with authoritarian and highly undemocratic style. The Chief Minister has started browbeating the Centre by exploiting the innocent people of J&K by challenging the Accession, pleading for communal partition of the State which the people of J&K had rejected in 1947 by saying no to Jinnah. He accused the State Congress leaders for working as guinea-pigs under the unreliable Chief Minister only to share loot of the State Exchequer and at the cost of the peace and progress in the state. He said that the State Congress shall be digging its grave with the National Conference in case they don’t answer to the call of the general will of the people of J&K.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 09:57:32 +0000

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