Correlation of Sakhshi Mahraj MP (BJP) And Swatch Bharat Updated - TopicsExpress


Correlation of Sakhshi Mahraj MP (BJP) And Swatch Bharat Updated 9 hours ago Correlation of Sakhshi Mahraj MP (BJP) And Swatch Bharat Very little is expected from the Government that is represented by Member Parliament like Sakhshi Mahraj. Four children for each couple are tantamount to giving birth not to human beings, but to scavengers to ensure swatch Bharat. In the recent past environmentalists expressed concern for the dwindling population of vultures and other birds that feed on carcasses of dead animals. Seeing majority of children and old people male and female collecting iron scrap, polythene waste material, waste cartons and leftover rotten food from the garbage bins on the roadside is a common feature. There is no dearth of pavement dwellers. Number of schools, hospitals, reservation for railway journey, electricity and drinking water is already short to meet the need of the present population. Child marriage is prevalent in Indian villages as there are no schools for girls. Street dogs, stray cows and human beings were seen in competition to collect waste material and waste food from common garbage apartment on the roadside at Nathdwara a tourist place in Udhaipur. At Oriaya village Mount Abu, an eighth class girl student was already engaged for marriage as there is no school for girls after class 10. More children means less care for children and addition to the population of rag pickers to ensure swatch Common Dining Hall for human beings, pigs, the sacred cow, streetdogs and insects Shame on Udaipur Tourism 8th October, 2014, I regretted my visit to Nathdwara Temple in Udaipur. I succumbed to the Tourism propaganda about the place. I narrowly escaped stampede. The priests managing the temple have drawn a four hourly timetable like the doctors’ four-hourly dose of medicine to make the devotees have view of the idol of Lord Krishna. It is being done to create artificial unmanageable crowd to cash the view. Touts in priest uniform offer their services for ‘Darshan’ through VIP rows. Vehicular roads that lead to the temple are too narrow to let pass two at a time. Besides, the dingy roads are repugnant enough to dissuade any tourist for any ‘darshan of the Lord. Final regret for the visit was the view of the common dining hall for human beings, dogs, pigs, insects and the sacred cows of Lord Krishna.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 08:09:13 +0000

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