Correllian Chancellors New Year Address, Year 15 Aq. / 2015 - TopicsExpress


Correllian Chancellors New Year Address, Year 15 Aq. / 2015 AD Greetings all, As you may know, it is my custom each year to make a New Years Address to mark the beginning of the new Calendrical Year. The year just ended has been a very busy year, and the year now beginning promises to be even more so! I do not normally make “New Years Resolutions”. Rather, I have a standing resolution – to build a better world. How do I pursue this? I have always believed that providing good information to people about Spirit and spirituality creates better people, and that better people create a better world. I have used many platforms to do this, and am indebted to the help of many people over many years – but the resolution is always the same. That resolution –to build a better world- is the foremost thing in my mind as I begin Year 15 Aquarius / 2015 AD. One way that I plan to work toward that better world is by returning to the administration of Witch School International. After closing the World of Witches Museum in Salem, I left the administration of the school because I needed time to regroup and restabilize my life. I never ceased being involved with and promoting the school, especially in my capacity as Magick TV Production Head. But I did leave my former administrative role in the school. Now, with the new year, I will be returning to the school administration in an active capacity heading the department of Correllian studies working with the new Witch School President Alan Salmi. No project that I have ever been involved with has done more to get good information about Spirit and spirituality to people than Witch School. Through Witch School tens of thousands of people all over the Earth have learned good information about Deity, the Soul, and Magic and how these can transform their lives and the world around them. And in truth, fifteen years on, the School has only just scratched the surface of what it can do! Fasten your seat belts – the best is more to come. Another important step toward building that better world in the new year is the Common Book of Witchcraft and Wicca, which just came out. The Common Book of Witchcraft and Wicca is a 400 page book published under a creative commons license so that all may freely share its contents. The Common Book includes writing from Oberon Zell, Abby Willowroot, Rt. Rev. Stephanie Leon Neal, Alan Salmi, Raven Digitalis, A.C. Fisher Aldag, Terry Power, as well the Five Mystic Secrets by my late mother Blv. LaVeda and works by Rev. Colin Keller, Rev. Melissa Brown, Rev. Daniel Seneker and Rev. William Halstead. It also contains the largest collection of my own writing to appear in one place for some time. The book will come out in hard copy in the next few weeks, but is available in .pdf form as a free download here: A third focus in the new year toward building that better world is the Parliament of the Worlds Religions. The next Parliament of the Worlds Religions will be held in Salt lake City, Utah, from October 15–19. This is very exciting news, for it is the first time that the Parliament has been held in the US since 1993 AD – and we Correllians will be there! I attended the last Parliament in 2006, in Melbourne, AU, and I can tell you that it was a tremendous, transformative life experience -one of the most amazing events anyone could ever ask to attend. I have never been so aware of just how small our word has become, and how important it is to think globally -for truly, delegates from all religious communities all around the world were there, getting to know one another, sharing ideas and forming opinions. You can learn more about Parliament at We are currently putting together a Correllian delegation to attend the Parliament. Being part of a delegation offers possibilities for sharing accommodation or travel, or for obtaining group discounts of various kinds. Being part of a delegation allows for group activities, and can offer access to private meetings or events that might not otherwise be available. At present the following people are scheduled in the Correllian delegation, but we are certainly hoping that there will be more: Myself, Rt Rev Stephanie Neal, Rev Mike Neal, Rt Rev Jason Highcorrell, Rev Janice Christian, Rev Eblis Correllian, Rev Laurie Denman, Rev. Jeanene DeOya, Rev Michael and Laura Frazier, Rev Elizabeth Hamilton, Rev Alyssa Maxon Kemp, Rev Angela Munn, Rev Susan Spaw Caldwell, and Rev. Sam Shyrock. We are also planning a Regional Lustration in Salt lake City to take place during this same time period, which will be hosted by Rev. Angela Munn. All in all, this will be a wonderful occasion offering many opportunities! If you would like to be part of our Correllian delegation, please contact me -Rev. Don Lewis at DonLewisHP@aol - or join the Facebook group at Correllians To The Parliament of Worlds Religions. Its going to be a wonderful time and I would love to have you with us! Perhaps the most challenging aspect of the year now ending, and a project that is certainly continuing into the new year, is the Spiritual War For Peace. For many months now Correllian Peace Warriors have been raising and directing energy for peace through prayer and ritual. This has been challenging because we feel that it a real spiritual war – a struggle for the future of the Age. It is not just that we are putting out energies of love and peace in a chaotic world, but rather putting out energies of love and peace to combat others who are disseminating energies of hate and fear for purposes of their own. Correllian Peace Warriors are now holding daily activities to raise and direct energy for peace. You can learn more about the Spiritual War For Peace at correllian/Peace.html I hope that you will consider joining the effort! But what do we mean by peace? This is an important part of the equation that may not be immediately obvious, for peace is more than just the absence of conflict. Peace requires justice for all people, and the possibility for everyone to have a decent life. This is what the Peace Warriors are working for. Again -building a better world. Sometimes, building that better world seems an insurmountable task. But we get the world we build, so we had best work to build the world we want. I believe that we, as Wiccans, have a vital role to play in building that better world -and I believe that we must play it. This is why things like Witch School, the Common Book, the Parliament, and the Peace Warriors are important to me. I hope that they will be important to you too as we go forward together in the new year, working to build that better world. Blessings to all! Rev. Don Lewis Chancellor and First Priest Correllian Nativist Tradition
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 19:58:15 +0000

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