Corruption: The Embassy of Cameroon in Washington DC - TopicsExpress


Corruption: The Embassy of Cameroon in Washington DC (USA) ...Commissaire Ndongo has continued his onslaughts against Ngoubene through the media and through paid agents, the Cameroonian people can only wait and seek the all important hands of the Ministry of Justice to put this matter to an end... A few months ago, a whistle blower told the world of the corruption in our Cameroon Embassy in the United States. To many Cameroonians, this was no new issue since they believe that corruption for sometimes now is synonymous to a Cameroonian civil servant means to an end. But to some of us, even though we understand the pervasiveness of corruption amongst Cameroonians in all works of life, we needed to find out if these allegations meted on Mr. Ngoubene François, the Treasurer at the Embassy of Cameroon in United States, were true. Even though I do not have the legal authority to write on this topic or let alone stand out as a conveyor of a semblance of truth in this matter, my affiliation with the CPDM party has therefore put me as a point man, uneasingly to explain the ruckus, at least for the moment. In order to understand the motive of the whistle blower perhaps, some background history of the main players of these allegations would be necessary. There are four players in this matter: Jerome Mendouga (our former ambassador), Ndongo Carlson Efemba (the former Commission charged with the duty of signing of passports), Madam Mendouga (alleged to have jointly written this report with Mr. Ndongo) and Ngoubene François (current treasurer at the Cameroon Embassy). Background history and the Saga Both Ambassador Mendouga and Commissaire Ndongo were transferred from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to the Cameroon Embassy in Washington D.C. On arrival there was Etory, the treasurer before Ngoubene. These three: Mendouga, Ndongo and Etory are from the same ethnic group. Ngoubene is a Mbo man from the Hills of Nkongsamba. The arrival of these two to Washington from DRC where there were hardly enough opportunities, to Washington where opportunities are countless, were sighs of tremendous relief to undo years of financial stalemate. A few months later, Etory was replaced by Ngoubene at the embassy whose ethnic linage was immediately seen by the two (Mendouga and Ndongo) as a spoiler of their party. For two months, it was alleged that the former ambassador resisted the handing over from Etory to Ngoubene until the minister of Finance gave 48hours for the transfer to take effect. One of the reasons why the former ambassador resisted the Etory’s transfer was because he was part of the scheme that cooked the fact that 1,300,000,000CFA was needed to repair the Cameroon Embassy. Ambassador Mendouga, Commissaire Ndongo and Etory all had their cuts in this money. The money was sent almost when Ngoubene was transferred. How could they let him spoil their party? This is one of the many reasons why his transfer was delayed until the finance minister gave him the 48hours gag order to put Ngoubene in his seat and send Etory packing out of the embassy. Lots of misdeeds were uncovered by the new man, Ngoubene, which was not to the liking of the gang of two. Reasons for the controversy surrounding Ngoubene François One could see why the former ambassador resisted the transfer of Ngoubene François to replace Etory because immediately Ngoubene arrived he saw a culture of massive corruption that he was apt to clean up at the detriment of Ambassador Mendouga and Commissaire Ndongo. What did Ngoubene see that he had to clean up? Two things: a) For years, Cameroonians who had filed for asylum in the United States who wanted to travel to Cameroon for a visit were denied this opportunity even though there could be some merits to their denials. Perhaps, a more intrinsic reason for their denial was to confiscate the visa fee that accompanied their applications. These monies, applicants were instructed, could only be sent in a money order (mandat) form and not as checks which would upset their scheme. There were thousands of Cameroonians who applied for political asylum who eventually needed visas from the Cameroon embassy to travel. This is how Commissaire Ndongo and his former boss schemed through thousands of dollars worth of unreturned fees to the many thousands who were denied visa. With checks, it is easier and faster to trace the person who cashed them but with a money order (mandat) the process to trace and verify the person who cashed them is lot more cumbersome and the alarm could only be made by the treasurer who was not going to be a willing accomplice. Commissaire Ndongo, it is alleged cashed in these money orders by attaching his name and depositing it in an account different from that of the embassy. Why was this allowed under the watchful eye of the former ambassador? If these allegations turned out to be true could this be enough reason why Commissaire Ndongo (Commissaire Divisionaire—five stars commissioner) be brought to face the Cameroon Judicial system? b) Commissaire Ndongo under the watchful authority of Ambassador Mendouga took to selling stamps which ordinarily was to be sold by the Department of the Treasury at the embassy. Those who applied for the renewal of their passports only saw a fabricated stamp which was affixed on their passports by Commissaire Ndongo Carlson-- as fees paid instead of the regular fiscal stamp to be affixed on the passport by the Treasurer, Ngoubene. When the Treasurer, Ngoubene, saw that there were several visa applications submitted but not a corresponding stamp purchased to be affixed on applicants’ passports he immediately knew something was wrong that needed to be fixed. He summoned the Commissioner, Ndongo into his office whose boss, the former Ambassador later covered things up to prevent the scheme from unraveling. But the plot had been uncovered by the scrupulous Treasurer. The damage control started when the embassy retorted to claims of passport been seized because of the damaging effect political asylum seekers have done to the image of the country. Too late for such a claim because pressure was mounting internally at the embassy. Who is François Ngoubene? François Ngoubene hails from Mbo in the Nkongsamba area and his humble beginning—thanks to his parents who instilled in him earlier that an educated Ngoubene will be able to afford enough to feed himself and not through crook and chase as many have been epitomized in the government of Cameroon of doing. He has worked his way through school with a reward of thirty-two (32) years as a civil servant working with the Cameroon government in the Department of Treasury. He is a father of seven well accomplished children. The same doctrine instilled in him by parents is the same he has instilled in his children---that of education. His first daughter is an accomplished lawyer working in Washington D.C. His second, a son, is an engineer in Delaware. The third child is rounding up his Doctoral dissertation while the fourth is enrolled in a Master’s program. The educational list of his children goes on and on. These by all accounts are laudable accomplishments for a man who has put education of his children a cornerstone for social, economic and societal advancement. For a man who may be doing his last tour of duty in the civil service, with remarkable accomplishments, he should and must be congratulated. Even if Ngoubene was to retire today, his pension notwithstanding, will serve him a good retirement package. But more importantly, the investment in his children shall serve a better retirement package. Now let’s turn to the allegations against him now that we know of the aforementioned background information of Ngoubene the Father, not the Treasurer. Allegations against François Ngoubene Mr. Ngoubene has spoken less on this issue to the media but has had to respond to some of these charges privately when summoned by his boss in Yaoundé. From what we know, Commissaire Ndongo Carlson, who was an accomplice to the former Ambassador, has published several reports (see one of those reports attached) on embezzlement at the Cameroon Embassy in Washington DC by Ngoubene (the Treasurer). Remember that because of his terrible deeds (in which there is a stack of evidence against him and his former boss) while at the embassy the government of Cameroon was compelled to replace him. I believe Commissaire Ndongo has played his audience to his best of his ability but I am quite convinced that his days are numbered. As legal personnel that he is, he should talk less to the public and more to investigators who are examining these allegations as we speak. So let us look at some of the allegations: Charge No.1: That Ngoubene is the owner of seven cars registered in his name. This is absolutely true but he did not use the Cameroon Government’s money to buy these cars. Some of these cars are purchased and driven by his children who by all accounts can afford to buy any car that they want because they are professionals themselves. Mr. Ngoubene registered these cars in his names for diplomatic protection purposes only. As a diplomat, he has the privilege to do what he did and the public has the right to question him. But even though his explanation on the cars issue is laudable I know that diplomatic rights notwithstanding, the cars should be registered in his children’ name to avoid these types of misunderstandings that could be liken to a corrupt practice. Charge No. 2: Numerous payments made by Ngoubene Commissaire Ndongo has made several unfortunate statements and has published numerous check numbers written by the Treasurer on different media outlets in Cameroon in a desperate attempt to confuse investigators. The checks, he claimed, are unauthorized payments made by the Treasurer, Ngoubene, to friends other than payments that ought to be made in executing Cameroon government’s businesses. When speaking to the Treasurer, he gave me a rational explanation of all the checks that Commissaire Ndongo mentioned in his numerous write-ups in the media. For example, he mentioned a check of $8000.00 written to a certain Wamsi. True, he wrote the check, but the purpose of the check was for the payment of staff insurance he said. He also accused him of issuing a $40,000.00 check to his wife. Mr. Ngoubene’s wife has been has been in the hospital for a life threatening illness and the government issued the check to help upset the hospital bills of a diplomat’s wife. The records are glaring in the archives of the Ministry of Finance for anyone to verify. Similarly, checks were written by the treasurer who pays monthly salaries of Embassy staffs. For the many years that Commissaire Ndongo and Ambassador Mendouga were at the embassy—do they only believe now that Ngoubene was engaged in illegal practices at the embassy? Or, is it because they are no longer at the embassy that they are raising this alarm? There are many question that a trained investigator must ask this Ndongo fellow which I am afraid has not been asked. If he had been asked those questions, he would not be a free man leaving Cameroon and coming to the USA when he wants and leaves as he pleases. While Ngoubene still walks at the Embassy and both Ambassador Jerome Mendouga and Commissaire Ndongo Carlson are no longer there speaks to the work ethic and the character of the three. Commissaire Ndongo has continued his onslaughts against Ngoubene through the media and through paid agents, the Cameroonian people can only wait and seek the all important hands of the Ministry of Justice to put this matter to an end. Now let’s examine the recent saga at the Cameroon’s Embassy in Washington D.C in which the Ambassador was erroneously accused as an agent provocateur and see how all these ties to Commissaire Ndongo. How does the above tie to the recent Saga at the Cameroon embassy? Players involved: Joseph Mbu (CPDM-USA Section President), Mpeck Patrick (CPDM-USA Vice President), Commissaire Ndongo (former Commissioner at the Embassy in-charge of passport and visas), Ngoubene (Embassy Treasurer) and Ambassador Foe Atangana (passively). Commissaire Ndongo has tried unsuccessfully through official, private and in numerous media outlets to alert the Ministry of Justice to what he claims are improprieties of Mr. Ngoubene as Ngoubene did to him and Ambassador Mendouga. Because as they claim, it is Ngoubene that reported their illegal activities to the government that led to their dismissal from their posts at the Embassy of Cameroon. Since the Ministry is taking its sweet time to act on these alerts, Commissaire Ndongo contacted the above two individuals of the CPDM party who are his friends or friends to former ambassador. Trend of events: Three weeks ago, Commissaire Ndongo, while in Cameroon called both CPDM accomplices to go and questioned Ngoubene on these alleged financial improprieties at the Embassy and that they had received the communiqué from the office of the Prime Minister. Foolishly enough, Vice President Mpeck Patrick acted alone. He drove to the Embassy and demanded to see Ngoubene. He did and Ngoubene asked for a Mission Order that has permitted this visit. He said it was coming. Needless to continue, not much was achieved. AT the end Mr. Ngoubene asked him to leave his office because he had a lot to do. He then asked for money to pay transport to report his findings to the Prime Minister. Mr. Ngoubene asked him to get the money the person who sent him there. When Mr. Mpeck Patrick discovered the futility of his mission, he finally succumbed and asked the Treasurer --Patron, même l’argent pour payer le carburant? A second visit received similar result. The third visit was a few days prior to the saga when Mr. Mpeck went to the Ambassador demanding that the he gives him $2800.00 to use to expose people on the black list of the government. The Ambassador was quite angry at such a request---as it goes contrary to the way he wants to work with Cameroonians, and asked him to leave his office. All these negative responses precipitated Mr. Mpeck to demonstrate at the Embassy. But the big picture here is who has been sending Mpeck to perform these illegal acts at the embassy that can easily take him to jail? It is here that Commissaire Ndongo, a friend to Ambassador Mendouga and President Mbu come in. Commissaire Ndongo has been paying these individuals to carry acts that would support his accusation of both Ambassador Foe and Ngoubene, two individuals he is not happy with. It was just on Wednesday that Commissaire Ndongo came back from his unsuccessful mission to get Ngoubene out of his job to then pay Mpeck in a meeting held at President Mbu’s residence. The purpose of the meeting was to pay Americans who do not speak, write or understand French to carry placards with negative expressions against the government of Cameroon. If you ask my humble opinion, this action of theirs clearly crosses the boundary of freedom of speech and of expression to a treasonable offense. So this is a trend to victimize these two individuals. If the Ambassador or Ngoubene had paid out any such monies to them, Ndongo, the instigator, would have used such payments as evidence of the two being involved in illegal dealings at the embassy to get them to lose their jobs like he and Mendouga have. I have written numerous letters to our party to remove Mr. Mbu as President of CPDM-USA on grounds that he is incompetent as a leader. I will stand by these statements any day and any time. CPDM –USA is in such mess today because of his inability to lead an organization of this scope, size and magnitude. This latest incident which has occurred at our embassy warrants him to have spoken to the Ambassador sooner. But two days after the event the CPDM-USA Section President is yet to speak to the Ambassador even after the latter has tried to reach him on several occasions. Nonetheless, CPDM-USA is one of the umbrella organizations under the Cameroon Embassy and we stand in support of an Ambassador who, by all accounts, has brought a sigh of relief to many Cameroonians who would rather not have any dealings with the Embassy. The Ambassador, contrary to the negative reports written by members of the Opposition party is a man of impeccable character. Jackson W. Nanje Educ. & Publicity Officer CPDM-USA Section
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:02:29 +0000

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