Corruption is the core for the rot in the country in every aspect. - TopicsExpress


Corruption is the core for the rot in the country in every aspect. The BN government via its agencies have knowingly tolerated many illegals here and sheltered their businesses too. If there is one country in this part of the world an illegal would love to be in, it is Malaysia. The government of Malaysia has unsurpassed flexibility in accepting them without much fuss. The influx of illegal migrants largely dates back to the hey days of Dr Mahathir Mohamad when he initiated his pet projects, namely the development of the KLIA, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya and Twin Towers. These projects demanded thousands of manual labourers in realising the dreams of one man to seed the nucleus of Vision 2020. Opportunities opened up instantaneously for workers, especially from Indonesia to migrate in droves to Malaysia. They grabbed jobs like a monkey would do with peanuts. There was very little control or rather insignificant in regulating them or monitoring the movements of these migrants that gained ‘privileged entry’ into our territories, in specific, Peninsular Malaysia. Employment agencies mushroomed overnight as a spin-off and it was lucrative to bridge the demands of the industry and the needs of the workers from Indonesia. They craved for better salaries, living standards and definitely a golden opportunity to leave the hardship and poverty in Indonesia. It was a guarantee then that jobs are assured. Well, fair and fine. Malaysian were and are still just too stuck up to work in the construction industry, thus the need to bring foreigners here was just unavoidable. Indonesia provided a bottomless pool of workers. In all the excitement, a steady, simmering problem was brewing as the outcome of migrant workers making their way here. Large number of Indonesians who could not afford the various fees and levy imposed by both sides of the country, took short cuts into coming here. They seeped into Malaysian shores throughout the day, mostly bribing their way in or creeping via illegal boats from Indonesia. The word of mouth that Malaysia is the new ‘gold mine of Asia’ flared their desire to be here by any method. They came, integrated into their pockets of community which were already here, built their ‘kongsi settlements’ in and around construction sites and went on with their life unflustered for many years. As the dust settled and the momentum swung into a platonic frequency, many were self-motivated to paddle in their families. With time we started to witness the many ‘kongsi’ sheltering the migrant workers upgraded into settlements anchoring many Indonesian families on the fringes of the cities. All these transformations were unfolding before the eyes of the various enforcement agencies and ministers. But the lure of vision 2020 blinded even the PM at that time, and the policy of ‘convenient ignoring’ was employed by the BN government. The cancer called corruption Corruption within the entire system encompassing the immigration, police, border controls, customs, national registration department, various ministries, ministers, local councils and army provided facilitated path ways and opened the flood gates for illegals to gain entry into Malaysia. As a result, illegals and the legal Indonesian migrants further grew their settlements into mini towns and became bolder in the open. The systematic corruption gave these illegals ample of space to open businesses, obtaining resident status and even citizenship over time. Many were naturalised not on merits but merely because they have mastered the art and architectured the framework of corruption to perfection. They are a so well versed on who and when to corrupt those in power. And today, they have penetrated into every segment of our society: from manning restaurants right up to working as armed security guards. The population of Indonesians has outnumbered the Indian community here. It is a matter of time we will be declaring public holidays for their festivities. It is a wonder why the Indians need two days off for Deepavali! What’s more baffling is that even at this current moment, despite all the so-called anti-crime actions and laws formulated and anti-corruption commission calling for stiffer penalties, illegals are thriving in Malaysia. They bravely run car-wash outlets under the noses of local councils and a few meters away from police stations. They still command territorial business spaces in places like Petaling Street, Chow Kit, and Selayang Market, areas of Kepong, Jinjang, Brickfields and Klang. Jumping on the bandwagon of illegals, the Indians (from India), Myanmarese, Bangladeshis, Vietnamese, Nepalese and Chinese (from China) have learnt lightning fast on how the corrupted manage their modus operandi here. Not to mention the Africans who run mobile businesses in eateries, selling fake leather goods and pirated DVDs in full view of every one. The only deduction that comes to mind of all is the cancer called corruption. A brief chat with one of the illegal peddlers revealed that his ‘top bosses’ are allegedly paying big bucks to the various enforcement agencies on monthly basis to protect them from being hauled up. If this is the rot we Malaysians are going to tolerate as a society, then it is of no surprise to see an illegal migrant possessing a fake MyKad entrusted with a pump gun to guard a bank! The shooting of the bank officer is just the tip of the iceberg. The entire chain of investigations must revolve around to unearth who and how was a fake MyKad issued and gun permits given. Does Najib’s government dare to ruffle the hornet’s nest of corruption which is flourishing with ‘honey laced’ cash?
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 02:50:23 +0000

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