Corsi: Is Obama Planning Another 911 Attack on America? Share - TopicsExpress


Corsi: Is Obama Planning Another 911 Attack on America? Share this Tweet this Google + AUGUST 31, 2014 10:25 AM DR. JEROME CORSI EXCLUSIVE (Dr. Jerome Corsi) – It’s tempting to believe Obama does not have a strategy to combat ISIS, or to combat anything else, for that matter. Obama has always had a strategy and he has not wavered from that strategy since his childhood years when Frank Marshall Davis filled his head with Communist nonsense. Obama’s plan has always been to reduce the strength, dignity, and glory of the United States of America at home and abroad. Why? Because he learned from Frank Marshall Davis – as well as a chain of subsequent socialist/communist mentors, including the writings of Franz Fanon, Saul Alinsky, and Cloward/Pivens – the two revolutionary socialists Columbia University allowed to be on the faculty as professors of sociology. What Obama learned was that the USA is a colonialist, imperialist nation that oppresses minorities at home, rapes populations internationally, and pillages natural resources to preserve an outrageously high lifestyle for those at the top of the capitalist pyramid. Why don’t we assume that Barack Obama is implementing policies that were always intended to produce the results we see. Now ISIS is terrorizing Christians with barbarism not seen since the Dark Ages, while radical Islamic terrorism surges across North Africa, and Hamas is firing rockets into Israel. If anyone thinks Obama did not intend this result, then please address the “Arab Spring,” and the lies Hillary and Obama told that destabilizing Libya by killing Gadhafi and throwing Egypt into chaos by toppling Mubarak was a “democracy movement.” In June, Obama released five senior Taliban leaders in exchange for Army Sgt. Bowe Berghdahl, who ends up most likely being a deserter and a collaborator with radical Islamic enemies of the United States. Then, Obama opens the U.S. border with Mexico to allow an unchecked invasion of teens in prime gang recruitment years posing as “unaccompanied minor,” free to flow into the United States with Border Patrol having no way to know who these people are or whether or not they have a criminal background in the countries from which they came. Sheriff Joe Arpaio has warned repeatedly that with a 2,000 mile open border with Mexico, a failed narco-state, the reality is that Border Patrol and Homeland Security could not keep out of the country terrorists form the Middle East, who are politely classed as “OTMs,” or “Other Than Mexicans” in Obama politically correct terminology. Now, with several hundred Americans now recruited to ISIS, and with ISIS having passport-forging characteristics, how many terrorists are simply going to buy airplane tickets to travel first-class back into the USA from Europe? Then, as the ISIS threat grabs international headlines, Obama goes on an extended vacation to Martha’s Vineyard, plays extensive rounds of golf, and returns to the White House to say he doesn’t have a strategy. The point is simple: The rule in politics is that everything happening is happening for a reason. The reason here, construed logically, is that Obama is setting the United States up for another 911 terrorist attack, possibly even a 911 surprise that will dwarf in horror the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001. Why would Obama do this? It was Rahm Emmanuel, Obama’s first chief-of-staff in the White House, who tipped American off regarding how much radical revolutionary operatives like Obama enjoy milking a crisis for all its worth. How hard would it be for Barack Obama to use a even more horrifying second 911 terror attack to declare martial law? With martial law declared by the president, the possibilities are endless. Elections could be cancelled. Obama could suspend the constitution and declare himself emergency “national security” powers that would extend his presidency beyond 2016. Tea Party Loyalists need to see through the Obama revolutionary socialist goal of “fundamentally transforming” America. If there is going to be a “fundamental transformation,” Tea Party Loyalists need to implement that transformation by firing Congress – Republican and Democrat alike – and making sure Obama goes into retirement. It’s time to send a Pink Slip to Congress to put them on notice that “We the People” are tired of the lying and we are not going to take it anymore. We have had enough of the lies Obama is willing to tell in his move to grab power and deny U.S. citizens our fundamental freedoms. Tea Party Loyalists are the last line of resistance to “America’s Fraud President” who is attempting to deprive us of our Constitutional rights in his effort to debase America to a police-state maintaining order in a second-class nation. Our voices must and will be heard. We are putting out a call: Tea Party Loyalists are warning Americans to wake up to America’s fraudulent and imperial president. But if you absolutely can’t stand it, such that waiting until after November is just too long to wait before asking for impeachment, then please join me in sending a Pink Slip to Washington. Washington needs to know that Tea Party Loyalists intend to win at the ballot box in November 2014, and again in November 2016, defeating any and all incumbent members of Congress – Republicans and Democrats alike – who do not stand with us to defend the United States of America. Corsi136BDr. Jerome Corsi Dr. Jerome Corsi received a Ph.D. from Harvard University in Political Science in 1972. He is the author of two No. 1 New York Times nonfiction bestsellers, “Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry” (with co-author John O’Neill) and “The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality.” In the past 5 years, Dr. Corsi has written 5 New York Times Bestselling non-fiction books. Dr. Corsi is the Senior Commentator for - See more at:
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 23:04:54 +0000

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