Cosae Mandinga! Our Musicality Workshops for all level - TopicsExpress


Cosae Mandinga! Our Musicality Workshops for all level dancers April/May 2015 - 6th Eurotour Now you can choose between 4 different Workshops! All the Workshops contain tango, vals and milonga excercises and explanations. Click here to watch the promotional video of our Workshops. -Venturing into tango! (3hs length) Dancing should be an interpretation of whats going on musically, not just a compendium of dancing steps. Our classic Musicality Workshop, three years in a role teaching how to dance in connection with the essence of tango music. The ABC of musicality teached in a dynamic way, with live music and famous recording examples, all the excercises built in a danceable way so the ears, heart and feet can connect to interprate the music. - Melodic structures (3hs length) NEW! The melodies are built in the exactly same way as the spoken languaje, during this intensive Workshop we will teach you how to dance exclusivly to the melodies, to anticipate their endings, to flow with the cadences and to articulate/organize your dance in a melodic way. Dynamic Excercises with live and recorded music, three hours of diving into the melodic world of tango music. -Rythm or Chaos (3hs length) NEW! Have you notice how everyone tryes to dance to the beat? The beat is our ally, you need to be in control of the beat in order to traspase it. Dancing to the beat, once you understand it, its as easy as dancing outside the beat. Our excersices will help you to master the rythm core of tango music. Marcattos excersices, syncopas, 3-3-2, 3hs of pure rythm both with live music and recorded excercises. -Dynamics ABC (3hs length) NEW! Understanding how a tango arrangement is build its to understanding its pure essence. What to dace to? There is so much musical information inside a tango arrangement that sometimes becomes overwelming. This workshop helps you become a more skilled dancer by teaching you how to follow a single element inside the vast universe of the tango song. Harmonies, themes, variations, Staccato - Legato, polyphonies.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 15:43:49 +0000

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