Cosmic Cog posted: It is becoming increasingly clear that our - TopicsExpress


Cosmic Cog posted: It is becoming increasingly clear that our regulatory agencies designed to protect us are not doing their jobs. (CDC, FDA, EPA, APA) They are either very stupid, asleep at the wheel, or bought out by the special interest groups, lobbyists, corporations that contribute to their campaigns and help them rise to their appointed positions... (Well, I know they are not stupid, most of them are very intelligent, so for the most part, that leaves the other two)... I think some are asleep at the wheel, and others have no choice but to follow what the industry is telling them... Many of them may even want to do the right thing, but cant because of threat of losing their positions, or the backlash in the media and the thorough debunking anyone who tries to share the truth with the public receives... It is professional suicide to share anything that goes against the industry... For many of these public officials, they are trapped even if they dont want to be... It is sad that we live in a world where the very agencies that are supposed to protect us are causing great harm. We must be thorough in our research into every thing we put into, on, or near our bodies, especially our children. They are the most vulnerable to these neuro-toxins, have smaller bodies, and still developing their mental processes. There are critical points in brain development where these toxins will have more of an effect than others. Unfortunately, we do not know when these times are unless we are running MRI scans on the brain of the child continuously. This deception has been going on a long time, but there is one thing they werent counting on~~~ and that is the spread of information at lightening speed through the web. They can no longer keep the public in the dark, too many of us are starting to say wait, thats bad for us, why are you putting it into our food, waters, medicines? What has been going on behind closed doors for many years is now becoming public. A lie...
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 23:30:18 +0000

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