Cougar is my tribal name, this is my prospective and what we call - TopicsExpress


Cougar is my tribal name, this is my prospective and what we call my Heartsong: Greetings WOTL Group.. As some of you know WOTL is a Rainbow Family Kitchen Started in 1998 at the USA National Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes or Rainbow Family of Light National. Those that know this, know those that have never been to a Rainbow gathering..its a event co-created by individuals inspired after woodstock and after much deliberation of authorities trying to prevent a peaceful hippie or alternative lifestyle meet up. Veterans from WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Natives, back to nature folks, anti-war protestors, revolutionaries, spiritualist etc.. went around the blockades and hiked into the mountains of Colorado to create a world peace event. After that it became the collective consciousnes to do it again and again and again. I came thru in 95 thru Granola Funk, many others came thru at various times. I was part of the 4 corners family or Colorado Rainbow Family that started to unify the tribes there as we were inspired by hopi prophecy. the Taos NM 97 420 Gathering was the start of the WOTL as well as Stage Stop rally point. WOTL was the combination of many kitchens as the kids ( this is what hippies call them selves that reflect forever youth ) knew that the time was now to fulfill the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy. The White Mountain Range, Apache homeland was where the gathering happenned in Arizona. The drought was not allowing fires and the kids danced their asss off until rains came. Later it was said that native eleders saw only clouds over the where else in Arizona and rainbows appeared.. They said we were the ones. From there, our story... Open Smiles from Phat Free/Liberty Tribe ( Utah Family ) died and WOTL morphed as years passed. Many of the original kids that started the kitchen have passed on, moved on and some still exist.. I Cougar Blak Paw was an awakened soul and found my guidance on the walkabout inspired by GFE and tried to bridge the camps as thats what inspired people do. GFE kitchen dissipated after 2000 and GFE theater kept on. WOTL Michigan... Remember Michigan.. night of the 4th or 5th, Francesco and Dreada were beaten up at front gate by racist and gutter punk crew that were terrorizing innocent peaceful non confrontational people/rainbows.. You have to understand, most rainbows are people trying to be spiritual and others are those hiding or running from society. There are all kinds of Rainbows... at this gathering after the Feds forced half the gathering back into the path and parking lot, Chaos crew as we called them harrassed and attacked people. Rainbow does not have security like festivals do, rainbows do not have cops or trained warriors to protect the family. At that time Dreada ( black brother ) and Francesco ( white dready ) were attacked while returning from town with a child they were caretaking for a friend. They are trusted men and many mothers let them caretake their children. They came to GFE and myself and Rocker T receieved and motivated from this to activate a Front gate raiding party. it took us all nite and Bam Bams help to bring mostly WOTL posse to front gate to peacefully take over the front gate from rebel flag waving racist and Chaos Crew thugs. After that the main older family at the Rainbow Pagent recognized WOTL as a respected clan. Just as they recognized GFE back in 99. Many kitchens come and go and only a few stay and grow. From there I as a dedicated rainbow head, someone who believes in community, village building , alternative worlds, bridging native world with new eart world etc.. hvae bee in and out of rainbows for personal growth etc,. just as many have. WOTL unified with Dun Dun Village a few times.. Jah Lioness brought in the more of the activist elements and Common Vision NP was supported and built from the spirit of WOTL family.. now succesful external education outreach for California schools in Earth Food and agriculture awareness. Many other elements such as The Buffalo Campaign, Earth First, and much more came from WOTL kitchen inspired Rainbows. Some have spent jail time for various reasons related to activism at the time. One crucial thing that happened was the Medicine wheel ceremonies that occured with the oversite of Rainbow and Native elders in the early 2000s.. Many WOTL members participated and help bring the healing of the Rainbow ( non/mixed natives with Native Family ) by healing the sacred hoop.. This was a spiritual act and many of us dedicated for years on this. As time goes, people grow, progress and move on from being hippies. Rainbow Family transforms as many leave to participate in festivals more and whats left is new people that have no guidance from the experienced ones as its a USA Federal policy to suppress and oppress rainbows for their 1st Amendment right to gather. So many stop coming and dealing with that politic and also the internal rainbow anarchy politics. Rainbow Family Gatherings are intended to be unorganized until they happen as to not promote leaders which we call focalizers.. ( anyone and everyone can be a focalizer). Focalizers are people that bring focus, you can create a camp, kitchen , workshop etc and do it anywhere and just respect the Rainbow Raps ( rules of engagement) at the gathering. Every year is different place and different people participate. Many of the didicated rainbows again are passing and moved on. The younger ones are growing older and there is less experienced ones and anarchy takes over until those at the gathering work it out. Always complaints etc. I myself was not heavily involved for a few years as a focalizer and in 2012 my voice came back and I was told in my meditation to return. Last few years I started to return, We lost a sister who paased on in Washington and since then its been ???? WOTL kitchen.. One sister named Morgan activated Medicine warriors with support of WOTL veterans and she carried the torch and tried to get WOTL family to support here. After 3 years of taking on focus and financial burden she retired in UTAH 2014 after WOTL members disagreed with her energy of focus and separate camps occurred. I worked with her 2 years to promote unity and build bridge between older crew but the politics of ego took over and she gave up.. I was not present when whatever altercations occurred and I camped with WOTL camp. I started WOTL hip stories of what i knew at the last 2 gatherings.. What is that..Thats a way of telling stor of our past so I told the story of the 4 corner tribes and kitchens and how WOTL started and what was rthe intent and focus. The Intent is in the name.. New Age, illusionary or what not.. WARRIORS of THE LIGHT is a concept of warriors spirits spreading the LIGHT..awareness, awakeness, rainbow inspired humans focusing on love and light..What is Light..Its that awakened human spirit, that moment when you know your here for a purpose. Many of us have many purpose and we are guided or do what we feel in our hearts or minds and we do it differently. WOTL is not a cult or group run by a leader but by a movement of spirit..SPIRIT... the same movement that came to native people to dance again thru the GHOST DANCE. They danced for freedom and many were killed for that dance and revival. Myself and others feel we are warriors. Anyone that claims to be WOTL be it in their personal or group gathering space feel that energy or they would not be there. WOTL is an inspirational movement to act, how you act is up to you. We all have different lives and levels. Myself, Im called to remind and remember all our friends that have died, Im also a human being that watches the energy of the planet and humans and whats going on . I prepare and stary awakened with no fear..EYES OPEN... Im a professional film producer/director now and I have many of a personal projects and I have the trust of many Rainbow Elders that have know me for almost 20 years... Ask Garret, Plunker, Robbie, David English, Caroline, Sistah Sunshine ( BC), who i am..I have done my work and stay on top of integrity of the rainbow family path. To those that do not know what that means, that means being part of a community for almost 20 years that only sees each other 1 time a year. Many lightworkers that live and struggle to spread their magic and we come together and celebrate at the only POW WOW that accepts anyone. For me this is my only real tribe in the world..I come from Chibcha blood and my son is Cherokee but I have no reservation, no tribe homeland and no connection to any one land on earth.. Im a nomadic human that believes in tribal culture. I believe in rebalancing of the Earth andhuman ecosystem and I believe in laying the seeds for future balance for my son and many children. We all live in a western society,not in a 3rd world society. We all live with influence of technology, some more then others and many have created their buble with their work and community outside of rainbow. For those that are WOTL and not rainbows no are still WOTL in your own path. I in 2014 I myself returned home ( Heaven on Mother Earth ) at the Rainbow gathering in UTAH and praised the pole after being in concrete jungle LA for months.. I lived in the sierras for years and was away from cities..even thou I grew up in them.. I realized how important it is for ME to keep my balance with my work and tribal works. Yes I call this tribal because I believe in being in a tribe of like minded people so we can help build a future for others ( children) . The world is crazy and constantly separating us so to be unified in cause or spirit is not easy. But I am one dedicated at this as long as I live in USA. As long as I breathe. So everything I have promoted on this group has been related to what we discussed in circle at Rainbow 2014 on how to revitalize and help make WOTL a strong clan/kitchen and also how to outreach and spread the word. That WOTL is not just a kitchen at rainbow but we also can be a unified community outside of rainbow. That way we can support and prepare. We talked about traveling cross country with our own bus and a new kitchen. We talked about maybe stopping at festivals and pow wows and participating. We talked about creating a patch and logo and share it and how we can gift others, do things where we can give away at rainbow to other rainbows. We talked about being support for the core operations, getting more people involved into Shanti Sena and we talked about how we are a tribe and we have history and we should be inspired to live that.. Means having homelands, place for people to go and meet and gather outside of rainbow..Not just state parks and federal lands and play politics,, We have many that have land and have sresources and have if we unified how we can help ourselves and rainbow family.. WOOOOO this sounds organized,,,,, NO its sounds INTERDEPENDENCE.. we are independent yet we unify and share.. we have horses, lands, organizations etc.. yet we say we are light workers and we need to unify but we complain when to.. So I made my own spiritual and physical pact to do what i can as I finished my schooling and I focus on film projects.. My personal career job in society is Im an organizer and I motivate to produce projects..So I bring that raining plus my discipline of the military to motivate..Yes folks,, Im ex military and veteran and proud of it..WHY..I, a warrior trained, have gone thru my hail of fire and understand the REAL world and seen real world things. I understand dealth, i undertsand how people get manipulated and have been genocided andkilled by the politics of money, corporations and greed. So I have chosen to be a Warrior of the Light for the people of Love and light... Im an Oath Keeper to great Spirit and I Idle no More for Mother Earth. I know how to defend myself and others and will never allow any harm to come to peaceful innocent people. When Kiddie village was shoot up by the feds with paint pellets I was angry and wished only to inspire Shanti Sena to step up and have shields.. we have a right to defend oursleves..thats all I will say as I do not believe in violence.. I am an intense person to many a peaceful mellow human, but Im also your best friend.. Im called Cougar as A Mountain Lion Spirit animal has always been in my heart to protect and watch. I am proud of my native heritage and continual to learn and unify with my 1st native people and help bridge with my rainbow peoples. I work to spread awareness in music, art and film and also have the tools to create words and books and magazines that we can share to spread our voices and wisdom to help others.. Yes Im a WOTL and have no problem saying that and will harm no I believe in LOVE and God is my witness.. I support freedom movements around the world and some are violent not by choice but by circumstance. I support the Kurds protecting their homeland and peoples from genocidal IS ( Islamic state), I support legalization of herbs and natural foods and I support all living beings to be free of dealth and harrasments.. Im Colombian born and my country has been in manipulated war for 50 years and still occurring, as thosein power manipulate the poor and the poor stand up and they have no choice but to fight.. I try to understand everything and I make my own choices..Thats me... WOTL is a collective and here we are.. This group is a public forum to share our lives, ideas and concepts and to those that do rainbow they talk about that, to those that dont they spread word of WOTL globally in real world conscious spiritaul formats. I support that... This is my voice and my heart song and I do not care if you agree or not as im not attached to your viewpoint as I know mine and respect yours. We are free here as long as we do not hurt others... >Warning there are people here that swear and dont give a f@#@%$#^%k either and will say anything and try to gain some response to anger..Im accused of this by few and mainly everyone knows me in person knows who I am.. FB can be a very dry place to communicate..As Sticks and stones may break my bones..BUT WORDS WILL NEVER HURT try to remember that folks.. these are words and reality until we sit and circle and council in person and sing or dance, or make art or cook food we do not really know any of us.. I see people sometimes daily that that I think are WOTL but they live their outside world and nevere interact..?? others have no problem to tell me here or in person and guess what I respect you.. but dont judge me and try to assume hat Im doing is all self and as Im sharing to bring unity and selflessness.. we re not all on the same page and thats OK... There are various factions of WOTL ( Cougars Prospective) 1 ) ones that only come to rainbow and particpate there and cook and talk and then say goodby tell next year..Weekend warriors.... 2)Those that say they are WOTL and only communicate with close friends and only recognize those they know from various gatherings and clicks or circles in California 3) those that live and breathe it spiritually daily and want to work with others thru out the world to build the WOTL spirit and unity of tribes and collectives 4) Those that are WOTL and wish to build relations with Rainbow and 1st nations and unify and create tribal forums of growth for clan tribal culture.. 5) those that are not rainbow gatherers but are WOTL by spirit and everyday work and do things for their community and study new age concepts andprepare for the future So as you can see there are many levels and I can claim I touch on those levels at different times and live #4 more and more. Im Chibcha by blood so my blood, my ancestors guide me to be part of that reality more and more. Thats me..Others only want #1 or #2 and thats their veiew point and thats ok.. I will continue to spread influence here and other places and some will support and others wont and thats OK.. Rainbow teaches us to be Focalizers and those will support the focus will do so.. I will support other peoples focus as well.. Matriarch Pranav as told me he will design a logo.. Thats his choice and no money needed.. We are in the outside world here so outside world focus is what im doing and those that want to participate will let me know and others will ignore and do their thing and talk about me behind my back or protest here..thats OK. we again have the 1st that not great..Give thanks for democracy and freedom... So love and respect to all WOTL on all levels and to haters... Im a WOTL Rainbow Family member and I will inspire circles, councils and warrior camps for training on horsemanship, archery, native crafting, and village building. I am independent and do this on my own empowerment when i can and will promote it as a unified effort by others that wish to do this.. I will promote for more 1st Nation interactiveness and organizing outreach projects that some in the clan wish to have a burning man camp, festival theme space and pow wow crew. I support that we co-create a newsletter magazine to share everyones projects and ideas and relations with other organizations and wisdom. I support building tribal culture and work 24/7 on various levels in my life to build a better path towards New Earth Society. I was told in outside rainbow world this year Im a leader and to not offend Rainbow people..I believe I will nurture that in time and as a Leader I know not everyone will agree with my ideas or concepts or leadership. I support my elders, and the Matriarch society viewpoint. I support The grandmothers council and I support women to be the leaders and strong humans they can be, SO I recognize all women fighting for equal rights and freedom of life. That includes recognizing the YPJ Womens Protection Units of Rojave ( Syria Kurdistan). i have many skills and will to share and help others when I can.. I believe in abundance and as I become abundance I will share to improve my tribal peoples lives.. This is my heart song and Yes Im intense. if too intense and real then feel free to defriend me...I dislike fake people, I dislike dishonesty and I dislike people that can not be real with me and I live in the USA which is pretty dysfunctional on many levels.. in memory of all WOTL and Rainbows that have passed onto the other realm... I am A WARRIOR OF THE RAINBOW LIGHT..... https:// Facebook/usauncut/photos/a.190167221017767.44131.186219261412563/844586818909134/?type=1&theater
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 21:59:43 +0000

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