Could be another long posting.......... After returning to St - TopicsExpress


Could be another long posting.......... After returning to St Mary’s last Sunday afternoon, I crashed and was glad to have time to recover from a God weekend. I was blessed beyond measure, and look forward to many more. Monday July 1, I relaxed in my room for the better part and tidied up e-mails and pictures on computer. I looked out my appointments for the week and found a change in my PT from 11:00 to 9:00, which would set my morning schedule into havoc. Tuesday and Thursday OT stayed the same. As was expected and outlined in any of the literature provided, side effects come and go. I still tire quicker than before chemo, but my taste buds respond sooner and better. Wednesday was my early appointment to Radiation for mapping and meeting with the Doctor. He was running late so we moved the appointment to afternoon, went back to St Mary’s and worked in a PT session, thanks to Claire and Adam.The afternoon went well, met with Dr, had the radiation, and was back in record time.....which meant no patient transport of 4 hours... Thursday I met with Bob and Ray (You tube that and see what you get....LOL). We had a time of sharing which remains a blessing to me, thank you Lord. Lissa, T-Man, London and Lennox arrived just before lunch, so we went down to the cafe. We stayed till Lissa had to go pick up Trae, who couldn’t make it due to prior commitments. Lissa added to my picture collection and now my Grandkids gallery is complete. I also had a couple of visits from a new friend on Facebook, and renewed an acquaintance from my Discount Carpet days. Jeff Grice is no stranger to St. Mary’s or to the plight of wheelchair life. We have so many friends in common and our views on religiosity are similar. Still no religious label, other than proclaiming Christ and being Christian. PTL. Friday was a big appointment day. Nine o’clock with Claire, 11:15 with Dr Matthews (oncology), 2:15 for my treatments, and 3:00 with Dr Wallace. Judy, Adam and Krista arrived to take in a PT session and talk with Claire (and in the afternoon with Richard). Dr Matthews answered our questions and put to rest some of the immediate concerns. His take on the broken leg was that radiation will look after it like it did the back. Chemo, first series , was completed at 2:00 as was my bone strengthener (Pammie). Next series starts July 19. Thus begins the weekly jaunts to Kingston. (more on that later). We ventured over to Hotel Dieu for our meeting with the surgeon who did my second surgery. In actual fact, he gave us the most encouragement regarding mobility and future activities involving walking. (I suggested a golf game in September, as neither of us are great golfers, I might suggest mini putt....). He showed us pictures of the MRI’s showing the suspected compression areas and explained the expected results of the surgery. He also said even partial recovery would or could take 2 to 3 months and booked me to see him in Nov or Dec. My team of questioners we satisfied and felt this was the most positive appointment to date. The challenge for me is to gain strength and durability, through PT in Belleville as well as in the home. So if you see me standing at the window watching the goings on in my neighbourhood, wave. I like to try one handed support without a net. Back at St Mary’s, late, we met briefly with Richard for more questions and concerns. My release date has been mentioned as July 12, after my Chemo treatment, and a lot of preparation is needed. Judy has been blessed with support from friends, of which we are truly thankful. My thoughts on arriving home and then to Cobourg, are excitement and apprehension. I hope to be able to share in the additional work load on Judy, through on site OT and by doing things within my abilities. (I can cut vegetables, and I look forward to grocery shopping..... really!) The availability of regular attendance to Harvest and Lakeshore, a further blessing. Able to visit friends at RONA, again looking forward to seeing them all even if it takes two or three visits. (As I remember, Chubby’s is wheelchair accessible.... Just saying.). We have a lot to catch up on. I also have a couple of friends who I have not seen since last year, and my goal is to make visits next week. Long overdue. There are others on my list and my need to prioritize is to enable quality visits, in home and at church. The one void in my last seven months is my sporadic help with children’s class. The lesson is getting out of date and I hope to tweak it and teach it in the future. I know some of the class has moved up, praise God for their maturity, and hopefully we will have some new smiling faces. I have a bracelet in one of my boxes in my office. P.U.S.H. I will look it out and start wearing it, or might just see if I can get one engraved. It stands for Pray Until Something Happens. In my life, I will hold on the promises of God, and I pray each of you still reading, that you will pray until you receive an answer, regardless of if it is what you desired. He answers all prayers.....sometimes with No being the answer. Just like a loving parent, He know when, how and what is best. Christian prayer has been removed from schools, except for Muslim prayer in the Toronto School Board. It has been removed from Government buildings, and a 14% of the population wants God removed from our national anthem. We are afraid to offend others, but offend God on their behalf. When we wake up as a nation, will it be too late? Will the billions we send to underprivileged nations with human rights violating governments, not be better used for our own population? The Politian’s can only respond to the squeaky wheel. So God fearing or not, we as a nation need to respond to the direction we are taking, and I include our friends to the south. Write to MPP and MP alike, with your feelings. The 14% may jump quicker, as the minority respond and yell louder than the majority, ie France, Great Britain, GTA. My final week at St Mary’s will be full of PT and OT stepped up a notch if my limbs will co-operate. I will with His help, do my best. After all I have been through I still have my praise! Be blessed and a blessing!
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 14:47:42 +0000

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