Could someone please take out the wicked witch or necromancer who - TopicsExpress


Could someone please take out the wicked witch or necromancer who has placed this curse on Brazil? Could somebody please go into their dressing room and tell them that they are in fact, Brazil, and not Shotts Bon Accord or Kilbirnie Ladeside? And could someone tell their manager Mr. Scolari, that he has been duped, that the man Fred is not a footballer, but an accomplished brickies labourer, and on a football park no more a card-carrying, fully-paid-up balloon. As is Jo. Fred and Jo are balloons. Balloons. Dumplings. Bamsticks. Cigar-Store Indians. Both would struggle to get a game for The Renfrewshire Blind Asylum. Their names betray them. Nobody with a name that sounds English should play up front for Brazil.Nobody with a monosyllabic name should play up front for Brazil. The jersey has to shrink to fit them. What next? Nigel? Giles? Kim? And for Gods sake, could somebody get a bloody couple of drums going in the stands! So far this is baloney. On a string! Gimme a break here!
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 08:56:14 +0000

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