Could this be truth? My amiable Governor can never do this. This - TopicsExpress


Could this be truth? My amiable Governor can never do this. This is a nothing but blackmail and label. Ilese News Extra wrote: Plots by Governor Amosun to assassinate Hon. Hazzan and Hon. Elemide uncovered as Three new groups of thugs are recruited. Ilese News Extra can now reveal to its readers that Governor Ibikunle Amosun has recruited three (3) new groups of thugs to oversee the assassinations and violence soon to erupt in Ogun State. The groups were recruited from Idi-Iroko, Lagos and from within some local youths. This is to defray culpability off of Jango and his boys who are now under close surveillance by the security operatives. Ilese News Extra uncovered plots to assassinate Hon. Remmy Hazzan (Odogbolu), Hon. Elemide Olusegun (Odeda) and to carry out the raping of Hon. Anifowoshe Elizabeth (Obafemi Owode). This the governor believes will send shivers across this other lawmakers who are yet to give their go ahead to the N19billion loan of bondage for which a bribe offer of N50million per lawmaker was offered, having initially moved from N5m then to N10m and to N25m before finally reaching N50million last week. The Governor is now so desperate to have the N19billion that it has been agreed that failure to get it will lead to the governments financial disaster and as such arrow heads opposed to the loan of bondage request be assassinated. Some lawmakers we learnt will also be killed but set up as a road accident. Details of this plot will now be handed over to the Inspector General of Police for onward investigation. Ilese News Extra makes bold to say that Governor Ibikunle Amosun should be held responsible for anything untoward that happens to our lawmakers or opposition members as the Governor and his SIACO group are the only known users of violence in the state. In other related stories, the Ogun Commissioner of Police, Ikemefuna has rejected the N5million monthly bribe he gets from the governor, this as he said was not allowing him do his job fairly, something which has caused him problems with the Inspector General of Police. He told the Governor about his oncoming retirement and that he would want to retire without soiling his name any further. He begged the governor to pay allowances of all police and SSS details attached to his office, all whom are owed in excess of three months allowances. Ilese News Extra can also reveal that the governor is in a manic state as he is unsure of those within his rank filling opposition and the press with information. He is particularly worried with Ilese News Extra reports about inner dealings within his government. To buy their continuous loyalty, the governor has made payments of N2m and N1m to aides, depending on their level and closeness to him. There has also been parcel of land gifts handed to them. Ilese News Extra can also reveal that it now has evidence of some documents that were again burnt by the Amosun administration. Copies of the burnt document were handed to our corespondent before this latest exercise to cover up the recklessness of the administration. In a related development, the Ogun State House of Assembly has now resolved to go on recess following the lack of funding by the Governor. It is believed that loyalist of the governor in the House are being fully paid all allowances whilst those opposed to the loan of bondage are owed allowances from last year. The governor has seized all funding of the House activities since late last year, a situation not only peculiar to OGHA but several agencies of government. As we predicted at Ilese News Extra in our December 2013 article titled FINANCIAL DANGER AHEAD, INE can now confirm that the state is in comatose as most contractors have left site. Workers in certain agencies and schools are being owed several months salary with cabinet members begging to resign. It is unsure how governor Amosun will survive these problems which seem to beset him on all fronts. Ilese News Extra can now comfortably predict that Governor Ibikunle Amosun will make history in Nigeria as the first former Governor to be sent to jail. We have it on good authority that the governor will be picked up at the handing over ceremony next year as there are intelligence reports that he plans to flee across the border to a neighboring country just after the elections. Ilese News Extra will keep you updated as news continues to break.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 08:57:10 +0000

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