Could tyranny come to America? Is it already here in a nascent - TopicsExpress


Could tyranny come to America? Is it already here in a nascent form? You won’t see what we euphemistically call the “mainstream media” as questions like this, let alone attempt to answer them – at least not while Barack Obama remains in office. In fact, you won’t even see them allow others to make the point – even prominent officials like Sen. Ted Cruz. Not even if it would make news for them. On Sunday, Cruz appeared on CBS’ “Face the Nation” with Bob Schieffer. It was not particularly a newsworthy interview. That’s because the real news offered up by Cruz was left on the cutting room floor. Cruz was making a point about abuse of power by the Obama administration, with the latest example being the Justice Department’s indictment of Dinesh D’Souza, the scholar, author and filmmaker who just happened to produce the second-most successful political documentary in American history last year called “2016: Obama’s America.” Yes, it was highly critical of Obama. “Let me tell you something that is deeply concerning – the abuse of power from this administration,” Cruz told Schieffer. “We’ve seen multiple filmmakers prosecuted and the government’s gone after them. Whether it’s the poor fellow that did the film that the president blamed Benghazi and the terrorist attacks on, turns out that wasn’t the reason for the attack, but the administration went and put that poor fellow in jail on unrelated charges. Just this week it was broken that Dinesh D’Souza, who did a very big movie criticizing the president, is now being prosecuted by this administration.” Schieffer didn’t think that was a newsworthy charge – or even worth pursuing further. But Cruz continued despite Schieffer’s attempt to cut him short and close the interview. “Can you image the reaction if the Bush administration had gone and prosecuted Michael Moore and Alec Baldwin and Sean Penn?” he asked rhetorically. This Thursday Dinesh D’Souza debates Bill Ayers on the question “What’s So Great About America?” Sign up to watch it live right here at WND! Schieffer again tried to cut him off. “It should trouble everyone that government uses government power and the IRS in particular to target their enemies. And you are talking in a few minutes to Chuck Schumer – he’s calling on the administration to …” This time Schieffer did cut him off, saying: “We are going to leave this for another day, senator. Thank you for joining us, and we’ll talk to you again.” Cruz is simply stating the obvious here. The indictment of D’Souza should have been the biggest news story of the last few days. It should have overshadowed Obama’s State of the Union Address and even his latest attempt to subvert the Constitution by raising the minimum wage without congressional action. Cruz is right. It’s so obvious that it is payback time for D’Souza. Obama feels safe going after his enemies. He knows his friends in the media will protect him by labeling anyone who points out the obvious as a conspiracy theorist who is jumping to conclusions. If there were any other motivation for indicting D’Souza, an administration worried about appearances would have blocked it for obvious reasons. Not the Obama administration. Not in this controlled media environment – precisely the kind necessary for tyrannical, lawless actions to go unchecked. The trouble with all-powerful government is that it can get anyone at any time for any reason. See the film that put D’Souza in the feds’ cross-hairs: “2016: Obama’s America” The only real protection any of us have ultimately is whether the press exercises its watchdog role – which just doesn’t happen when people they don’t particularly like find themselves in the cross-hairs. This is how tyranny comes. It comes when some people are prosecuted for crimes while others are not – based on their political point of view. It comes when the press fails to recognize obvious political payback by a president against a prominent critic. It comes when the officials charged with law enforcement become the chief lawbreakers. It comes when the rule of law is replaced by the rule of men. Read more at wnd/2014/01/how-tyranny-comes/#RZiMD1edd14AQvJm.99
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 18:02:07 +0000

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