Couldnt agree with this more Lisa. (y) The sad reality is that - TopicsExpress


Couldnt agree with this more Lisa. (y) The sad reality is that there are many pastors, and believers are just as naive. I almost went to see it before I had this brought to light. Father be with us all! I love you Lord, only your will, and I trust in follow you in everything! Jesus came to bring life, the enemy came to steal, kill, and destroy. God does not ordain death the devil desires too! Stop blaming God for something the devil did! Why are we so Naive to allow life to speak louder than God. I pray God opens our blind eyes. Father break these chains off of your children that the devil has created through footholds he never has a right to have! Father please Shepard your sheep, and open blind naive eyes in peoples lives so we as believers stop being so easily deceived by the devil. We love you Dad! In your Son Jesus mighty name. Amen!.... --------------------------------------------- - Lisa Moeller Many Christians are excited that the Son of God movie has hit the theaters and feel it is a good way to witness to those who would never darken the door of a church setting. I feel the total opposite and Ill tell you why. Now, before you go off half-cocked and tell me Im being judgmental or critical, allow me to explain my stance and the reason why I feel this does more harm than good. And let me also say I do pray that many will take something good from this and it will benefit them in some way, although suffice to say, I dont believe it will. Galatians 1:8 reads,But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Now, we may use the reasoning that at least the movie industry is acknowledging Christians and the Christian faith. or, it doesnt matter that there are too many inconsistencies to count. non-Christians wont know the difference. OK. Now let me also offer Revelation 22:19 which reads And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.. Wow. Two passages of Scripture right off the top of my head that strictly prohibits adding or taking away from Gods Holy Word. So, I think its safe to say that the countless inconsistencies, edits, replacement theologies, and additions to Scripture in the Bible miniseries and the Son of God film CANNOT be pleasing to the eyes of God. Let me take it a step further by asking a simple, yet critical question. Why all of the changes?? Would it be a more difficult project to quote literally and to portray accurately the events in the life of Jesus and Gods Word?? No, it wouldnt be. Then why do people insist on taking artistic liberty in doing so?? Simply put, it is a perversion of the Gospel disguised as truth, just as many in these last days are intent on doing. Out of many heresies and fables the Emergent Church is pushing down the throats of the masses in these end times, the one that is the most repulsive in my opinion is the connection of Mary Magdalene to Jesus. It is downplayed in many circles as theory, and can range from Mary being one of the 12 disciples, all the way to the disgusting idea that she was married to Jesus. But it seems to be a common theme among those who are adamant on rewriting and mangling the true Word of God. Now, you may disagree with this statement but I will back it up with Scripture. I dont believe God would want us to have anything to do with these works of fiction that mislead those who have never been exposed to the Gospel and who are naive enough to believe what they hear is true. And I will not partake in the hype and the falling away of the truth of Words that were never meant to be changed. Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. -Please read this Mark Clanton, Aubrey Poston, Al Gammie, Alessio Mancini, Nolan Brooks, Mark Twining, David Ruth, John David Sweet, David Quantrell, Roger Stanton, Kevin Van Arnam, Todd White, Jonathan Yadon, Sheena Danner-Adamson, Kristal Clark, Gary Clark, Kiara Clark, Ejuon Haynes, J.T. Iza, Rusty Monroe, Le-Armstrong Sandra, Leighanne Tamaalii, Asher Monroe, Aaron Blankenship, Aaron Velasquez, Aaron Latimer, Samuel Deuth, Frankie Toves, Angelo N Tiffany Whitney, Angel IntheLight
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 05:24:40 +0000

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