Council tax exemptions Last updated: 06/05/2014 Exemption - TopicsExpress


Council tax exemptions Last updated: 06/05/2014 Exemption classes for council tax are listed below. Please contact the council tax department if you have any questions. Class Brief description of Class Period of exemption B Unoccupied Dwelling Owned by a Charity Must be unoccupied for less than 6 months and was last occupied in furtherance of the objects of a charity. 0-6 months D Qualifying Person in Detention Property must be unoccupied and have been the sole or main residence of the relevant person prior to detention elsewhere. Detention includes prison, hospital, etc if by Court Order or Act of Parliament. Total period E Hospital/Care Home Patients Unoccupied dwelling which was previously the sole or main residence of a qualifying person who now has his sole or main residence in a hospital, nursing home or care home Total period F Property left vacant by deceased person Unoccupied property where the person is only liable in his/her capacity as a personal representative of a deceased person and no grant of probate has been made or it is less than 6 months since probate was granted. Total period before probate granted. 0-6 months after probate granted. G Occupation Prohibited by Law Property where occupation is prohibited by law or action of a public authority Total Period H Occupied by a member of the Clergy Unoccupied dwelling held for occupation by a minister of religion. Total Period I Property left empty by a person receiving care Unoccupied property where the relevant person is living (not a hospital, care home) elsewhere for the purposes of receiving care by reason of old age, disability or illness. Total Period J Property left empty by a person providing care Unoccupied property where the relevant person is living elsewhere for the purpose of providing personal care for persons suffering from old age, disability or illness. Total Period K Dwelling left empty by students Unoccupied dwelling owned by a student, who is residing elsewhere to undertake their studies, which was last occupied as the sole or main residence of a student. Total period L Repossessed Unoccupied property where the liable person is the mortgagor and the mortgagee is in possession Total Period M Halls of Residence and Hospitals run by Charities Applies to halls of residence predominantly for the accommodation of students Total Period N Dwellings Occupied by Students Properties occupied by one or more residents, all of whom are students Total Period O Ministry of Defence Properties Applies to dwellings owned by Ministry of Defence for Armed Forces accommodation. May be occupied. Total Period P Visiting Forces Accommodation Applies to dwellings where at least one person liable for Council Tax is a member of a visiting force. Total Period Q Dwelling left empty by a Trustee in Bankruptcy Unoccupied property where liable person is a trustee in bankruptcy Total period R Caravan Pitches and Moorings A dwelling consisting of a pitch or mooring which is not occupied by a caravan or a boat Total Period S Under 18 Years Occupied only by persons under 18 Years of Age Total Period T Unoccupied Annexe Must be part of premises which include another dwelling (or situated in the grounds) and may not be let separately from that dwelling because of a planning restriction Total Period U Severely Mentally Impaired Dwelling occupied only by person/s who are severely mentally impaired Total Period V Diplomats Dwelling occupied by at least one person who is a Diplomat and is not a British Citizen Total Period W Annexe occupied by a Dependant Relative Dwellings where the occupier is related to the residents of the rest of the property and are aged 65 or over, are severely mentally impaired or are permanently disabled Total period
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 12:15:55 +0000

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