Council votes no on historical designation By Greg Cappis, - TopicsExpress


Council votes no on historical designation By Greg Cappis, Redlands Daily Facts POSTED: 10/16/13 REDLANDS >> While Pamela Smyth deliberately arranged two dolls, a wooden crate and three-panel poster boards in front of the council’s dais, Mayor Pete Aguilar asked her when she would be ready to present her argument for designating Crystal Springs a historic and scenic resource. “Soon, very soon,” Smyth replied. Standing amid her props, Smyth launched a history lesson about the area near the Wabash Avenue exit on Interstate 10 that includes Crystal Springs Ranch, Panorama Point and buildings erected centuries ago. “Notice the view of San Gabriel Mountains and Mount Baldy covered with snow, the very views that have graced old Redlands postcards going back to the 1920s,” she said, pointing at one of her posters. “We may never see this awe inspiring sight again if you choose not to protect it by your wisdom and authority tonight.” Smyth’s lecture was part of a 90-minute discussion among the council, supporters, opponents, stakeholders and casual observers. “There are a lot of opinions, not just two sides,” said Mayor Pro Tem Paul Foster. Eventually the council voted to deny the historic designation, 4-1. Jon Harrison dissented. Although the council denied the designation, it is likely the members will vote on the matter again. Tuesday night’s vote delayed the process to give the nominee, Smyth, and the land owner more time to work out a compromise. “We already have, I believe, 90 percent on the table,” said councilman Bob Gardner. “If there’s an ability to get to an agreement here and not be stuck in two sides that will not bend ... . Perhaps we could think about that, a bit.” The property owner, represented by Pat Meyer, has submitted a conceptual plan for the area. He proposed dividing the 67-acre property into four parcels. Single-family homes would sit on three of the parcels that would each occupy 1 to 2 acres of land. The remaining space would be donated to the city, according to Meyer. That large parcel would include Panorama Point, the natural spring and buildings erected in the 1880s by the founder of Crystal Springs Water Co., George Heron. “We would like the opportunity to work with council and staff to preserve most of the property, and we think we’ve got a pretty good start on that,” Meyer said. The property owner opposes deeming the entire site historic, because the designation could stifle future developments. All new buildings or alterations to the exterior of current structures must be submitted to the historic commission for approval. If denied a certificate of appropriateness, the owner can appeal to City Council. Because the land owner is not on board with the designation, councilwoman Pat Gilbreath said she couldn’t support it either, citing decreased property value with the designation. “I understand the property owner made commitments ... so we’re going to get it anyway,” Gilbreath said. “I just don’t like the process of the taking.” If designation proponents get their wish, this will not be the first time in Redlands a person other than the property owner applied for the historic designation and received it. The Stillman Berry Beehive House at 1145 W. Highland was designated historic in the late 1980s, despite the owner’s wishes. During the turn of the century, the owner wanted to divide the lot, others fought it and the owner lost, said Maria Carillo while referencing documents at the A.K. Smiley Library where she works. Mayor Pro Tem Paul Foster, who supports designating a portion of the land historic, does not want to ignore an owner’s wishes again. “I do believe we have a history of supporting the rights of the property owner through the process of designation,” he said, noting the Stillman Berry House as an exception. Foster also raised concern for the costs of upkeep if the land is donated to the city. He said the city can’t take on that burden and no individual or group has risen to the occasion. Meanwhile, supporters of a full designation focused their uneasiness on the three potential houses that would be constructed on the land under the owner’s plan. During the public comment period residents said a fire, like last May’s Wabash Fire, would destroy the homes. Development could also harm wildlife and most important, they said, homes would disrupt the stunning views from the Point. The city also received a dozen comments via email. Aguilar said most of the emails, while in support of a full designation, specifically focused on Panorama Point and the Heron property. “I don’t believe these are mutually exclusive, that we can eventually pave the way for the supermajority, almost all of the site, to be enjoyed at some point in the future,” he said. “And why the three parcels proposed, granted there are steps to be taken, are inconsistent with that plan.” Meyer told the council his client would be willing to use a computer program to simulate the view from Panorama Point with models of the homes that could be restricted to a certain size. “There’s still a way to make this happen and have the community come out as a winner,” Foster said. redlandsdailyfacts/government-and-politics/20131016/council-votes-no-on-historical-designation
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 22:13:15 +0000

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