Counsil of Elders from The Law of One Channeling Via: Joy Child - TopicsExpress


Counsil of Elders from The Law of One Channeling Via: Joy Child of the Universe Aka: Lorraine Kearney Sunday, July 21, 2013 Beloved Ones, we are the Counsel of Elders from the Law of One, and we bring you love and light for your highest and purest good. We are both male and female energies. We are your ancestors, your brothers and sisters, the Ancient One’s. We come from all walks of life, from this planet and other planets within this universe and all universes. We have been with you in all ways, always. We are to speak today about the Earth Changes and the transformational energy that is occurring on your planet at this time. We are now in Year One of the New World, and what this means is that there will be greater forces and energy coming from and through Mother Earth (Gaia as she is known in higher vibrations) is Cleansing and Clearing herself. She is cleansing herself from all the bloodshed that has been spread upon her for many thousands of years in your Earth time and space. She is now producing more earthquakes, tornadoes, flooding, devastations, and so on. They are occurring in places that have these occurrences as well as places that have not had these occurrences in your recorded history, which has not been very long. Understand that these are occurring all over this plant to help humankind to come together and to start becoming ONE BODY, ONE MIND, ONE LOVING ENERGY with all that is above and all that is below. The transformation for all human life at this moment is to: RE-PROGRAM: Start THINKING and SPEAKING positive and loving thoughts as well as staying in your TRUTH. RE-CALIBRATE: Bringing your vibrations up towards the heavens so that your Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, and so on can assist you at all moments of your beingness. Learning to Walk your Talk. RE-LEASE: Letting go all that no longer serves you. Being mindful of all your words, such as the word HATE. Do you know how powerful this word is and what this one word is doing to not only yourself, but the rest of the world? Please take the time to ponder this question very carefully. The human beings of this planet have all been programmed with fear, guilt, low-expectations, low-self esteem, and so on, because when you possess all these qualities – one is easier to control – one does not have the strength or understanding that you are the only one that has control over YOUR LIFE. Re-member THIS IS YOUR LIFE and only YOUR CREATE in all moments what is for YOUR HIGHEST and PUREST GOOD. You are the one that calls forth all your experiences. You are always in the correct place and moment to become CLEAR. When one is feeling that our energy is lowered by life situations such as anger, hatred, fear, loathing, competition, guilt, sadness and so on, what you are creating is a buffet for lower energy entities to come to and through you. These entities are and can be very scary and troublesome and would love nothing more then to have a feeding frenzy from you. Lower energies also make one ill of health with your mind, body, soul and spirit. Understand, this is a FREE WILL Universe, and all bring forth what information and understanding that only YOU have chosen in this lifetime to experience, which helps you take your next BABY STEP forward. If one were to go leaps and bounds, there may be information and understandings that will be missed, essentially one will only be receiving half the story or picture of life. That is why it is very important to take baby steps. By holding onto lower energies, you allow them to always control who you are and came here to be. By releasing lower energies and commanding them to leave your presence, they MUST obey. This is UNIVERSAL LAW. You can and have come here for this transformational time, this is a once in a forever lifetime occurrence and you are here to be a witness. NOW is the time to start expressing UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, gratitude, joy, happiness, forgiveness for oneself as well as for and to others. We are here – The Counsil of Elders from The Law of One, to assist everyone to re-member that your words, deeds, thoughts and actions are recorded in the Hall of Records. One always brings forth all understandings that one requires at that moment. When one is positive, happy, light-hearted, and joyous, one feels Abundant in All Aspects of life. When one re-affirms positive words, deeds, thoughts and actions from doubt, anger, hatred and so on, one begins using your senses. Your Sixth Sense. You open yourself to receiving and giving. You begin to flow with All That Is, the God-Force. The more you walk your talk, speak your truths, the higher you will vibrate with not only those who come across your path, and/or teachings, but also becoming one with Mother Earth (Gaia), the stars (your galactic families), the God-Force (Creator of All That Is), all your guides, angels, archangels, ascended masters and so on. All these beautiful, loving beings are here to assist you on your mission and are here for your highest and purest good. All you have to do is Call in and honor their presence and to thank them you all that they are and for their assistance. Where your love and light shine – lower vibrations/energy can not be. You have all come here for Spiritual growth, unconditional love, understanding who you truly are and strive to become. Stop holding back your process, you are not doing yourself any good. Re-member, you are a human BEING, not a human DOING. You have chosen your path of many before you came into the physical form. This is your life, accept yourself for not being perfect and acknowledging that you strive to become more so, this is you goal. Be all that ONLY you can be, because you are not anyone else, otherwise it would be so. NOW is the time for one to take FULL and COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY for everything. Take responsibility for all your words, whether they come from love or anger. Take responsibility for all your thoughts, whether they are kind or jealousy. Take responsibility for all your deeds, whether they come from integrity or greed. Take responsibility for all your actions, whether they come from harmony or self-destruction. NOW is the time for love and harmony. There are always challenges, tests and other situations that will cross your path and its there because YOU have asked for it to be there for greater understanding. This planet is a planet of education, one is always learning and changing. Only you can change your perception at any given moment. As you become stronger in who you are, having faith in the Universal Law and Trusting the Powers That Be and most importantly, trusting and believing in yourself completely, you will become more accepting of your own evolution, and that everything else is irrelevant. We send you all Love, love, love. Till next time. Namasté
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 18:02:52 +0000

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