Counterterrorism Caucus Issues Statement on Beheading OKLAHOMA - TopicsExpress


Counterterrorism Caucus Issues Statement on Beheading OKLAHOMA CITY – The Counterterrorism Caucus of the Oklahoma Legislature issued the following statement today regarding the beheading incident in Moore. “Members of the Oklahoma Counterterrorism Caucus wish to express their heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Colleen Hufford, who was allegedly brutally murdered on Thursday by Alton Nolen. Nolen was reportedly only prevented from doing the same to another of his co-workers at Vaughan Foods by the heroic forcible intervention of the company’s Chief Operating Officer, Mark Vaughan, a reserve county sheriff in Moore. “While an investigation into this barbarous act is still underway, several probably relevant facts have already been established and made public by the authorities: • Fellow employees at Vaughan Foods say Nolan had recently converted to Islam and had proselytized them with a view to securing their converting to his faith. • Nolan had a record of violent criminal behavior, for which he had previously been incarcerated. Many of America’s prisons have been incubators of Islamist converts, thanks to the recruitment and indoctrination of inmates by imams trained and certified by organizations tied to the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood. • Ms. Hufford was decapitated. As has been much in evidence lately, notably with the rise of the Islamic State terrorist group in Syria and Iraq, beheading is a practice associated with the supremacist Islamic code known as Shariah and the jihadism it demands of adherents. “The Counterterrorism Caucus has long warned of the dangers posed to this country and other freedom-loving peoples by Shariah – including too many millions of Muslims who do not practice their faith in accordance with this repressive, totalitarian doctrine. The latter are considered apostates by the authorities of Islam, and Shariah is deemed by them to be the only valid tradition of their faith and Muslims’ deviation from it is a capital offense. “With each passing day, the threat posed by Shariah supremacism is becoming more palpable elsewhere as groups like the Islamic State, al Qaeda, Hamas, Boko Haram and the Taliban afflict others with their murderously violent jihad. “Unfortunately, jihadism is no longer confined to foreign soil. We must be alert to it here and take steps to counter the doctrine, institutions and organizations that foster it. Whether the murder allegedly perpetrated by Alton Nolan proves to be an example of this malignancy or not, we must confront its emergence and prevent its metastasizing in communities in Oklahoma and across America. These are priorities of the Counterterrorism Caucus and we welcome the help of all Oklahomans in their realization. “The Feds say this is workplace violence but people know that’s not true. The citizens of Oklahoma want to know, ‘Who are these people and why are they doing these terrible things to us?’ It’s high time we get to the truth. I am calling for a public discussion about potential terrorists in our midst and the role that Shariah law plays in their actions.”
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 19:58:58 +0000

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