Countess Alexandra Alexandra Johnson posted who are you in the - TopicsExpress


Countess Alexandra Alexandra Johnson posted who are you in the SCA Heres my counter post, Who was your persona in history? Heres mine (I cheated, I actually wrote this about 15 years ago when Scott Stull challenged us with this very question) John Michael Thorpe Born: 1544 Plymouth dockside Mother : Tavern wench, cousin of John Hawkins Father: Sea captain (unknown) Employment History: age 8 sent to mother’s great cousin’s house (William Hawkins) to learn the ways of the sea shipped as cabin boy on the Minion learned navigation as cabin boy for navigator as he had failing eyes Current Ship: Golden Rose 100 tons, double planked, built in John Hawkins’ yard raze built 16 culverin, 2 bow, 2 stern 6 on each broadside, 55 foot keel, 19 foot beam, 6 foot ceiling in great cabin, 5 foot ceiling elsewhere. 8 feet in the hold. Land accommodations: Saracen’s Head Tavern, near Alders Gate, London, Shipboard religious observances: When sailing in the fleet with Drake every morning between 7 and 8 am, and at the night change of the watch crew has to kneel before the mainmast, recite psalms, the lord’s prayer, and the creed. on Sunday morning in addition to that the epistle, and the gospel, then a homily drawn from the Paraphrases of Erasmus EVENTS Mary Tudor, an ardent Catholic was breifly married to Philip of Spain, had failed to produce and heir, Philip had returned to Spain. She had tried to revert England to control of Rome. Queen Mary Tudor before she had died had ordered the burning alive as heretics of all protestants that would not recant, the biggest burning was at smithfield. 1570 Pope Pius V issues Bull of Regnans in Excelsis excommunicating Elizabeth 1577 Drake leaves for circumnavigation voyage, 1581 returns Spanish blockades in the lowlands, on the Rhine, and in the Mediterranean are hurting exports, especially the exports of woolen cloth which comprise 4/5s of the English exports 1586 Elizabeth sends 5000 footsoldiers and 1000 horse to the low countries 1587 Drake sailed to Spain, raided Lisbon, Sagres, and Lagos on Cape St Vincent, and Cadiz “singed the beard of the king of Spain” Charles Lord Howard of Effinham is lord Admiral 1/28/1587 Traitors Sir William Stanley, and Rowland York sold Deventer and the Sconce of Zutphen to the Spanish forces under the Duke of Parma Feb 19 1587 Mary Stuart beheaded 8/5/1587 Sluys falls to Parma 4/12/1588 Holy League under Duke of Guise takes Paris (papist) 6/2/1588 Admiral Howard assumes command of Drake’s fleet
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 19:00:10 +0000

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