County Commissioners Going overboard with B.O.E. funding Over - TopicsExpress


County Commissioners Going overboard with B.O.E. funding Over 3 million Dollars W.T.F Here is what I think should be done. first and for most the Building on Downsville pike should have never been purchased in the first place. We have plenty of building s empty here in Hagerstown could have been renovated Ie: Bester Elementary school. I remember when West Washington street school was Condemned and before you knew it it was leased for everything under the sun. funny how A condemned building was not fit for use became use practically over night. Hmm I wonder if a County Commissioner might have purchased it just to make that happened. My biggest pet peeve is the amount of money that the Board of Education gets ever year. Mind blowing if you ask me. This is what I think should be done. First The county should invest keeping Companys here and lower the tax base so they can create new jobs, We need to attract new High Tech Companys that Pay a decent wage. We lose so many of our young people due to the lack of Technical and innovated jobs in this area. My point is Learn Here ! Train Here and Stay Here and raise a family and Help the Community Grow. Instead of putting a Sheets on every corner and A Walmart On every main drag in the county. We should also have another Hospital in Washington County to compete against W.C.H. This Hospital is better known a Death Valley Trauma Center. I know this first hand myself as a Patient. We need an open market not a controlled market. We are also becoming known as little Baltimore and most of you know what I mean. Re: Crime Murder, Stabbings, Robbery, Sure every city has this but do we need to be like every other city. Also do we need a new Ball Park ? Does this make the player hit more home runs. Do we sell more Hot dogs. How about a NASCAR track ? County said no to that because it may ruin Hagerstown. But I bet you a Gambling Casino would be fine ! How about a new Civic center that could Attract thousands if not millions of dollars each year. We could create Jobs Entertain people with Bands,Movie stars , Sports events, Ag events you name it, I say build it and they will come. Instead of us leaving and spending our dollars else ware. I know I have gotten off the beaten path but It bugs me when the County puts all their money in one basket and comes out with broken eggs and a bad smell to go with it. I may not be educated enough but I do have common sense and that is worth more that a master degree. I can fix what broke but I cant fix stupid people that make bad decisions for a whole County and a fragile Community.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 19:33:49 +0000

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