Couple emails came in over at gaybrodeo@gmail asking what exactly - TopicsExpress


Couple emails came in over at gaybrodeo@gmail asking what exactly is gaybrodeo or what will it be? Its going to be all over the Internet in blogs of course, some pages, sites etc and is © COPYRIGHT 2014 in various forms like gaybrodeo, Gay Brodeo or gaybradeo & Gay Bradeo so basically just variations of the name. Its NOT related to a gay rodeo lol but Im sure thats a fun site. Its not in competition with other LGBT type blogs so no worry guys if you have one, there is no competition going on there. Most blogs are really for one person to attempt to make money & most fail at that while a few are successful but not in the first year since thats hard work & a full time job but yes, gaybrodeo will be in blog form too with news articles, some advice & also links to various things. I will be welcoming some other gay friendly blogs to place an advertisement at a small fee so not some crazy thing you guys are used to paying for to advertise your blog or company. Gaybrodeo is many things but Id say the top two things are Civil Rights for LGBT & cleaning up within the LGBT community in a way we bring some universal moral standards along. No one is perfect & Im the least perfect around but we want to try to stop all the heartbreak, loneliness & difficulty in two people finding love so two can find love, get in a life long committed relationship and be happy together as a couple. We must stop creating so damn many barriers first so those will be listed in full online then later in a book Im going to try to publish next year. Gaybrodeo is becoming an organization of Civil Rights but is not even in competition with other Civil Rights organizations because not one of them that I can think of is really calling for the gay community to clean itself up. Most are attempting to gain civil rights only while we plan on taking a lot on. This will require time, effort, support, volunteers at first, raising large sums of money that will be held in a trust & accounted for to the penny! In other words, its not give Mark money. Later, when things are moving, I will take a salary and those working with gaybrodeo will get a salary for given work they do. Gaybrodeo has intention of being broadcasting so it could eventually form even TV stations but for now, short term in 2015, goal will be videos & audio broadcasts over at youtube. We can worry with TV later. How many blogs are going on TV? None that I can think of so you can see, no competition going on there. Gaybrodeo is meant for YOU not just me. Not sure why my location says Gatlinburg but I am not far from there yet not in Gatlinburg. Thats a small Town down in a Valley that is the doorway to the Great Smoky Mountains. Nice Town.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 06:08:37 +0000

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