Couple of things.... I dont believe in the #Free movement. Youll - TopicsExpress


Couple of things.... I dont believe in the #Free movement. Youll never hear me say free so and so if they are guilty of a crime. However, we all know certain people are often falsely incarcerated and/or convicted. On that note... My cousin Brandin Sanders was murdered in a shady deal gone wrong. In that process, four people had to choose how to continue to live. One man got the drop on three. Two managed to get away. Were they wrong for leaving a man behind? Maybe. But you cant help anyone else if you dont first help yourself. The other two men ran from gun shots. One just wasnt that lucky. Does that make his acommplices at fault? No. Because anyone with good sense or hope to live would run from danger. There is a man incarcerated for losing his brother and saving his live. And thats not right. Maybe he deserves jail, but not for murder. He doesnt deserve death. Now just like this is mine, youre entitled to an opinion. But have rational behind it. Be able to rationally support your beliefs with fact. And think before you speak, but also think before you listen. Somethings arent to be trifles with when you know the truth. Let things rest when they are buried. Learn to live. And ask if you dont know. Love, peace, and serenity to you all.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 01:58:52 +0000

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